Dr. Artem Korobenko
Associate Professor
Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Associate Head (Research)
Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
Contact information
Office: MEB310
Preferred method of communication
For all enquiries please contact over the email
Educational Background
B.Sc. Aerospace Engineering, National Aerospace University, 2008
M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering , Clemson University, 2011
Ph.D. Structural Engineering with Specialization in Computational Science, Engineering and Mathematics, University of California, San Diego, 2014
Dr. Artem Korobenko is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at the University of Calgary. He holds a Schulich Research Chair and leads the Computational Fluids and Structural Mechanics Group (CFSMgroup). Dr. Korobenko earned his PhD in 2014, followed by a postdoctoral position (2015-2016), both at the University of California San Diego. His research focuses on the development of multi-fidelity computational methods for the analysis and design of complex systems in aerospace, wind and marine engineering using large-scale computing. A Fulbright Alumni and Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship recipient, Dr. Korobenko is a founding member and current president of the Canadian Association for Computational Science and Engineering, as well as a Member-at-Large of the USACM Technical Thrust Area on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Fluid-Structure Interaction. He is also a founding member and co-director of the University of Calgary Aerospace Network.
Areas of Research
We developed the high-fidelity simulation framework for various aerospace applications ranging from subsonic to hypersonic non-equilibrium flow regimes.
Our group has developed high-fidelity computational framework for multiphase fluid dynamics and fluid-structure interaction (FSI) simulations in marine and offshore engineering applications. Additional techniques implemented include interface-capturing level-set method for free-surface motion, that may include wave breaking and other topological changes, homogeneous mixture model for turbulent cavitating flows, efficient and robust coupling strategies and scalable HPC implementation.
The high-fidelity numerical framework for fluid-structure interaction (FSI) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) combines stabilized and multi-scale techniques for fluid mechanics, advanced structural modeling based on Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) and novel mesh moving techniques.
We developed an Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Variational Multi-Scale (ALE-VMS) formulation aimed at the simulation of stratified flows on moving domains. The formulation couples the Navier–Stokes equations of incompressible flows with the Boussinesq approximation, and a scalar advection–diffusion equation for the density or temperature field.
We developed a multiscale Dynamically Data-Driven Applications Systems Interactive Structure Composite Element Relation Network (DISCERN) framework that can reliably predict the onset and progressions of structural damage in geometrically and materially complex aerospace composite structures operating in the realistic environments.
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
ENME 572/672 | Computational Fluid Dynamics | Fall 2018, Winter 2020, Fall 2020, Winter 2022 |
ENME 547/647 | Finite Element Method | Winter 2018, Winter 2019, Fall 2019, Winter 2021, Winter 2022 |
ENME 337 | Computing Tools for Engineering Design | Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2019 |
In collaboration with New Energy Corporation Inc. and the group of Prof. Oshkai from the University of Victoria we are developing solution strategies to optimize the performance of vertical-axis hydrokinetic turbines operating under challenging ocean environment. This includes the development of the numerical framework supported by the experimental tests in a water tank to investigate the effects of cavitation, free-surface, inflow turbulence, complex seafloor topography, and wake-structure interaction on turbine performance. The work is motivated by increasing marine renewable energy sector in Canada and worldwide. An advancement of the hydrokinetic technologies in Canada will not only strengthen the competitiveness of the country on the international marine renewable market but also will provide clean, cost competitive, low-carbon technologies that can also displace diesel generation in the rural, remote and Indigenous communities.
The goal of this project is to develop the accurate modeling framework for the fluid-thermal-structure interaction (FTSI). The finite-element based, stabilized and variational multi-scale (VMS) methods with mesh relaxation techniques near the wall is used to develop the fluid solver for the hypersonic flows and coupled FTSI formulation. The framework is already validated against several benchmark tests, including complex 3D geometries. The robust and accurate numerical tools developed during this research can also be used for future analysis on inflatable aerodynamic decelerators (IADs) for planetary entry. Moreover, the FTSI plays a central role in hypersonic vehicle dynamics and control, airframe-propulsion integration and multidisciplinary analysis and optimization (MDAO). Finally, the results will be used to further studies on damage progression in hypersonic vehicles.
The goal is to develop the accurate and efficient multifidelity and multiscale modeling framework for fatigue damage prediction in wind turbines in a farm operating under realistic environmental conditions. The research effort is centered around efficient and accurate multifidelity aerodynamic modeling of the wind farms, coupled multifidelity fluid-structure interaction and multiscale modeling of the damage propagation in composite blades based on material failure mechanics. The advanced numerical modeling tools to be developed under this work will address the current limitations in the modeling capabilities and enable more sophisticated analysis to be performed. This will allow to design more efficient wind turbine systems and reduce the premature failure of the main structural components, thus contributing to the emerging research challenges within the wind energy community worldwide.
- Schulich Research Chair, University of Calgary. 2024
- Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers, The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. 2022
- Schulich School of Engineering Faculty Fellowship, University of Calgary. 2021
- Schulich School of Engineering Departmental Research Excellence Award, University of Calgary. 2020
- Schulich School of Engineering Faculty Fellowship, University of Calgary. 2020
- Schulich School of Engineering Research Achievement Award, University of Calgary. 2019
- Schulich School of Engineering Teaching Achievement Award, University of Calgary. 2018
- Teaching Excellence Award from Engineering Student Society, University of Calgary. 2018
- Schulich School of Engineering Research Achievement Award, University of Calgary. 2017
- Fulbright Fellowship, U.S. Department of State. 2009
- Modeling of expiratory particles transport using an Eulerian approach and the variational multiscale method. A. Bayram and A. Korobenko. Atmospheric Environment. (2021)
- A numerical formulation for cavitating flows around marine propellers based on variational multiscale method. A. Bayram and A. Korobenko . Computational Mechanics, 68. 405-432. (2021)
- Simulation of stably stratified turbulent channel flow using residual-based variational multiscale method and isogeometric analysis. H. Cen, Q. Zhu, A. Korobenko . Computers & Fluids, 214. 104765. (2021)
- Stabilized methods for high-speed compressible flows: towards hypersonic simulations. D. Codoni, G. Moutsanidis, M.-C. Hsu, Y. Bazilevs, C.T. Johansen, A. Korobenko . Computational Mechanics, 67(3). 785-809. (2021)
More Information
We have multiple Ph.D. and M.Sc. positions in CFSMgroup. Please send me email if you are interested.
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