Arne Dankers

Dr. Arne Dankers

Pronouns: he/him


Assistant Professor

Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Software Engineering

Contact information


Web presence

Phone number

office: 403.220.8196


office: ICT413

I'm looking for...


I am excited to apply my research in practice. The methods I am developing can monitor components of robots, microgrids, industrial plants, etc. Please contact me if you have a monitoring challenge!


Areas of Research

Data driven modelling of complex systems (System Identification)

I am developing theory and algorithms to estimate the differential equations that govern a component embedded in a larger system from sensor data. One of the reasons for doing this is to monitor the health of that component over time. If you can detect that the physics of the component (the differential equations) are changing, then you can determine whether or not the component is wearing out. If there is a sudden change, then the component may have been damaged. Being able to monitor components of a large system or machine independently is important when the goal is preventative maintenance, or predictive maintenance of the system. 

The methods that I use are rooted in system identification (data driven modelling). Specifically, network system identification which can be seen as an extension of closed loop identification to more complex interconnection structures between modules (or sub-systems, or components)

Participation in university strategic initiatives


Course number Course title Semester
ENEL441 Control Systems I Winter 2024
ENEL684 System Identification for Control Fall 2023
ENEL441 Control Systems I Winter 2023
