Dr. Armando Paulino Preciado Babb
Associate Professor
Werklund School of Education, Specialization, Learning Sciences
Contact information
Educational Background
Ph.D. Mathematics Education, Simon Fraser University, 2011
Masters of Science Mathematics, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 2001
Bachelor in Mathematics Mathematics, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, 1997
Dr. Preciado Babb has a background in mathematics, including both a Bachelor and a Master degrees from UNAM, Mexico. During these studies he was also involved in education at high school and undergraduate levels. Additionally, he participated as trainer for the Mathematics Olympiad team at provincial and national levels in Mexico. He has been an instructor for other trainers including teachers at different grade levels. In 2011 Dr. Preciado earned a PhD degree in mathematics education at Simon Fraser University. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Galileo Educational Network Association from 2011 to 2014 conducting professional development for mathematics and science teachers.
Dr. Preciado Babb has been involved in the Math Minds (Early Mathematics) initiative, that has collaborated with several educational organizations including: Calgary Catholic School District, Golden Hills School Division, the Werklund School of Education, JUMP Math. The overarching goals of the Research Partnership within the Math Minds initiative are to:
- Increase student engagement, self-esteem and achievement in mathematics;
- Deepen teacher’s conceptual understanding of mathematics and to apply mathematical knowledge to enhance classroom instruction; and
- Showcase excellence in teaching and learning math concepts to the wider community (parents, pre-service teachers, in-service teachers, graduate students, and the public, including media).
The initiative has been founded by Canadian Oil Sands, Suncor Energy Foundation, and recently by TDBack Group.
In addition to Math Minds, Dr. Preciado participates actively in several projects related to mathematics education.
Professional & Community Affiliations
Dr. Preciado Babb has been focussed on professional development for teachers in mathematics. This includes both undergraduate courses for education and programs for practicing teachers. He has long experience working collaboratively in the design of rich mathematical tasks with teachers and other stake-holders.
Areas of Research
Currently Dr. Preciado Babb is involved in the Math Minds Initiative, a partnership originally involving the Catholic School Distric, JUMP Math and the Werklund School of Education, and funded by Canadian Oil Sands and Suncor Energy Foundation. Currently, Math Minds works with the Northland School Division and has received additional funding from TD Bank Group. This project aims at the mathematical knowledge teachers need to know to teach well.
His research has also focused on mathematical modelling for educational purposes. He is interested in articulating the specialized knowledge involved in teaching through mathematical modelling, including technologically rich environments such as robotics and simulations.
Dr. Preciado Babb has focused on the collaborative design of tasks and lessons aimed at promoting deep mathematical understanding through intellectual engagement. His research also includes projects at high school for science, social sciences, and English language and arts. These projects were also aimed at engaging students intellectually in the corresponding disciple through the integration of mobile technology in the classroom.
He has been conducting concept study with teachers in different courses at the Werklund School of Education. Recently, a workshop he proposed to BIRS has been accepted for the new station in Oaxaca, Mexico for 2015, CMO . The purpose of this workshop is to conduct concept study with teachers speaking English, Spanish and native languages in order to expand our understanding of mathematical meanings across languages and cultures.
- Collaborative, school-based research
- Complexity research in education
- Mathematics education
- Mathematics teachers' disciplinary knowledge
- Mathematical modelling
- Mathematical problem solving
- Mathematics classroom inquiry-based discourse for mathematical thinking
- Mathematics teacher thinking, knowledge and learning/education
- Metaphors and narratives as inquiry tools in mathematics teacher education
- Teacher education
Participation in university strategic initiatives
Course number | Course title | Semester |
EDBT 604 LAB 01 B01 | Learning with Technology | 2020 |
EDBT 604 LEC 01 01 | Learning with Technology | 2020 |
EDUC 420 LEC 03 03 | Issues in Learning & Teaching | 2020 |
EDUC 42703 SEC 01 S01 | STEM Secondary Route | 2021 |
EDUC 42703 SEC 02 S02 | STEM Secondary Route | 2021 |
EDER 600 | Research Methodologies in Education | Winter 2022 |
EDER 678 | Ethics and Technology | Winter 2022 |
The initiative started in 2012, has involved several school districts and has received funding from different organizations, including Canadian Oil Sands, Suncor Energy Foundation, and TD Bank Group.
More information about this project can be found in the website https://www.structuringinquiry.com
Incorporating mathematical modelling in the classroom presents a number of challenges. First, despite the fact that mathematical modelling is increasingly appearing in programs of studies around the world, its definition is ambiguous. Second, although there is consensus on the importance of mathematics in the use of current technologies, it is not clear what features and topics of mathematics are most important. Finally, the recent focus of several scholars on modelling competencies suggests a need to learn mathematics beyond what has traditionally been taught at pre-university levels. Together, these three contexts can be challenging for teachers. This research project intends to shed light on the mathematical knowledge required by teachers to successfully integrate modelling with a particular focus on simulation and coding through novel approaches to teaching and learning at K to 12 school levels. The proposal comprises both an empirical component and a literature survey.
The empirical component of the study focuses on how teachers integrate mathematical modelling in the classroom through virtual simulations and coding for computers and robots. The study involves teachers enrolled in mathematics education graduate programs. With a focus on the learning experiences of both these teachers and their students, this study addresses the following general question: How do teachers enrolled in specialized graduate programs in mathematics education design and enact tasks related to mathematical modelling to transform traditional learning experiences through the integration of virtual simulations and coding?
The other component of the proposal consists of an extensive systematic literature review on the topic, with a particular focus on the role of technology, to complete, expand and update prior surveys. Exploring the variety of perspectives on and approaches to mathematical modelling in education would help to identify the specific mathematical knowledge needed for implementing modelling in the classroom. Such knowledge depends on particular perspectives on mathematical modelling. The review will also address the ongoing debate on ‘real world’ and ‘authenticity’ issues present in the current literature, which have implications for the conceptualization of mathematical modelling in integrating coding and virtual reality in the classroom.
- Best Student Presentation, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Global Engineering Education Conference. Marrakesh, Morocco. 2012
- Graduate Fellowship, Simon Fraser University. 2010
- President’s Stipend, Simon Fraser University. 2008
- Doctoral Scholarship, Mexican National Council for Science and Technology. 2002
- Comparison as a social practice in the analysis of chaotic phenomena: The case of the double pendulum. Jesús E. Hernández‐Zavaleta, Armando Paulino Preciado Babb, Ricardo Cantoral. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. (2023)
- Contemporary, emergent mathematics for teachers: A case study on an online graduate program. Armando Paulino Preciado Babb, Ayman Aljarrah. The Mathematics Educator. 55-77. (2023)
- Comparación de tendencias sobre la modelización matemática entre latinoamérica y el resto del mundo: Una revisión bibliográfica. BOLEMA 37(76). (2023)
- Emergence in school systems: Lessons from complexity and pedagogical leadership. Alonso, G., Friesen, S., Preciado Babb, A. P. Brown, B.. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. 65 - 82. (2021)
- Complejidad en el acto de conocer: Segunda sesión. Carrasco, E., Carrión, V., Hernández, E., Preciado, P., Arrieta, J., Díaz, L. Acta Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa. 30, 139-147. (2017)
- Pioneering STEM Education for Pre-Service Teachers. Preciado-Babb, A. P., Takeuchi, M. A., Alonso-Yáñez, G., Francis, K., Gereluk, D., & Friesen, S. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy. 6 (4), 4-11. (2016)
- Engaging High School Students in an Engineering Thermodynamics Project. Preciado-Babb, A. P., Saar, C., Brandon, J., & Friesen, S. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy. 5(1), 12-19. (2015)
- Awareness as an enactivist framework for the mathematical learning of teachers, mentors and institutions. Preciado-Babb, A. P., Metz, M., & Marcotte, C. ZDM. 47(2), 257-268. (2015)
- Using Mobile Technology for Fostering Intellectual Engagement: A High School Project. Preciado Babb, A. P., Saar, C. Marcotte, C., Brandon, J. & Friesen, S. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies. 7(3), p. 46 - 53. (2013)
- Incorporating the iPad2 in the mathematics classroom: Extending the mind into the Collective. Preciado Babb, A. P. International Journal of engineering Education. 2(2), p. 23 - 29. (2012)
- Three cases of teachers’ collaborative design: Perspectives from those involved. Preciado, A. P. & Liljedahl, P. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. 12(2). p. 22 - 35. (2012)
- Reimagining technology in learning sciences: Empowering alternative discourses. Preciado-Babb, A. P., Lock, J., Lambert, D., & Hernández-Zavaleta, J. E. . In M. C. Shanahan, B. Kim, M. A. Takuchi, K. Koh, A. P. Preciado-Babb, & P. Sengupta, P. (Eds.), The Learning Sciences in Conversation; Theories, Methodologies, and Boundary Spaces. 203-209. (2022)
- Diversity of perspectives on mathematical modelling: A review of the international landscape. Preciado Babb, A. P., Peña Acuña, F., Ortiz Rocha, Y. A. & Solares Rojas A. In G. Greefrath, S. Carreira & G. A. Stillman (Eds.), Advancing and Consolidating Research on Applications and Modelling in Mathematics Education: Research from ICME 14 (pp. 43-57). . 43-57. (2023)
- Plurality and Technology in the Learning Sciences. Lock, L., Preciado-Babb, A. P., Hernández-Zavaleta, J. E., & Lambert, D. . . In M. C. Shanahan, B. Kim, M. A. Takuchi, K. Koh, A. P. Preciado-Babb, & P. Sengupta, P. (Eds.), The Learning Sciences in Conversation; Theories, Methodologies, and Boundary Spaces . 248-254. (2022)
- Knowing and learning in proleptic boundary spaces: Re-imagining the learning sciences. Sengupta, P., Takeuchi, M. A., Kim, B., Shanahan, M., Koh, K., & Preciado-Babb, A. P. . In M. C. Shanahan, B. Kim, M. A. Takuchi, K. Koh, A. P. Preciado-Babb, & P. Sengupta, P. (Eds.), The Learning Sciences in Conversation; Theories, Methodologies, and Boundary Spaces . 3-16. (2022)
- Transcending contemporary obsessions: The development of a model for teacher professional development.. B. Davis; M. Metz; A. P. Preciado-Babb; S. Llinares; O. Chapman; S. Sabbaghan. SENSE|Brill Publishers. 361 – 390. (2020)
- Geometry for computer graphics in K-12 education. Armando Paulino Preciado Babb. IGI Global. pp. 45 – 68. (2020)
- How variance and invariance can inform teachers’ enactment of mathematics lessons?. Armando Paulino Preciado Babb; Martina Metz; Brent Davis. Springer, Cham. 343-367. (2019)
- The role of continuous assessment and effective teacher response in engaging all students. Brent Davis; Martina Metz; Soroush Sabbaghan; Armando Paulino Preciado Babb. Sense Publishers. 101-120. (2018)
- The role of continuous assessment and effective teacher response in engaging all students. Preciado-Babb, A. P., Metz, M., Sabbaghan, S. & Davis, B. In R. Hunter, M. Civil, Herbel-Eisenmann, N. Planas & D. Wagner (Eds.) Mathematical discourse that breaks barriers and creates space for marginalized learners. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. 101-120. (2017)
- Spatial knowing, doing, and being. Preciado Babb A; B Davis; L D’Amour; J Thom. Routledge. 63 - 82. (2015)
- Elementary Mathematics Instruction and Student Diversity. J Lupart; John (Jac) Andrews; B Davis; Preciado Babb A. Nelson. 393 - 422. (2015)
- Spatial knowing, doing, and being. Thom, J., D’Amour, L., Preciado Babb, A. P. In B. Davis (Ed.) Spatial Reasoning in the Early Years: Principles, Assertions, and Speculations. New York: Routledge. (2015)
- Elementary Mathematics Instruction and Student Diversity. Davis, B. & Preciado-Babb A. P. In J. J. W. Andrews & J. L. Lupart (Eds.), Diversity Education: Understanding and Addressing Diversity. Nelson Education Limited. (2015)
- Secondary Mathematics Instruction and Student Diversity. Davis, B. & Preciado-Babb A. P. In J. J. W. Andrews & J. L. Lupart (Eds.), Diversity Education: Understanding and Addressing Diversity. Nelson Education Limited. (2015)
- Designing for deep mathematical understanding: Reflections on the design and implementation of a framework for teachers. A. P.; C Marcotte; K. Francis; M Metz; A. Solares Rojas; Preciado Babb A. Universida Pedagógica Nacional. 43 - 67. (2014)
- A Phenomenological Study of Teachers' Professional Learning and Their Understanding of Mathematics-for-Teaching. Metz, M., Preciado Babb, A. P., & Marcotte, C. In A. P. Preciado Babb, A. Solares Rojas & K. Francis (Eds.), What, How and Why: An international conversation on mathematics teacher learning. Mexico, Mexico: Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. (2014)
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