Dr. Apostolos Kantzas, PhD, P.Eng

Dr. Apostolos Kantzas

PhD, P.Eng



Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering


Energi Simulation Industrial Research Chair in Energy Transition(731)

Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering

Contact information

Web presence

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-8907


Office: ES902A

Preferred method of communication

E-mail is my preferred method of communication.


Educational Background

Doctor of Philosophy Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, 1988

Master of Applied Science Chemical Engineering, University of Waterloo, 1985


Energi Simulation Industrial Research Chair in Energy Transition

The Energi Chair's mandate is to expand research to the broader community through an open-source mandate, and will ensure Energi Simulation is a key partner in the energy transition.  The research focuses of the research chair are (1) understand and implement geothermal processes wherever possible, (2) design and implementation of geoenergy options for heating and cooling of residential and industrial communities, (3) environmentally sustainable and low-to-zero emissions hydrocarbon recovery processes, (4) development and implementation of CO2 storage in Alberta reservoirs and aquifers, (5) implementation of the thermal flow models developed as part of the Energy Harvesting Processes industry project to properly account for convective and conductive heat transfer, (6) development of a “digital Laboratory” to assess conventional and geothermal resources and (7) forward looking research that will enable the vision of ‘Every Joule Counts’. 

The oil and gas portion of the program focuses on understanding the physics of multiphase flow in porous media in two main areas. The first area is heavy oil and bitumen enhanced oil recovery (HOBEOR), which includes conventional heavy oil, bitumen in oil sands, and bitumen in carbonates. The second area deals with tight oil and gas enhanced recovery (TEOR). Both HOBEOR and TEOR are sponsored by industry and government grants. This program will improve field exploration, development, recovery, and production methods and strategies, as well as provide information, technology, and fundamental concepts essential for the enhancement of unconventional resources recovery. It integrates research and innovation into the industry by providing experienced graduates who can solve practical problems.

Dr. Kantzas is also the director of the Energi Simulation Centre for Geothermal Systems Research (Geo Energi). Geo Energi's mission is Geothermal Everywhere. The program focuses on geothermal energy to power and direct heating, as well as energy harvesting processes.

Dr. Kantzas received a Dipl. Eng. in chemical engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in 1982. He continued his education with a MASc and Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the University of Waterloo, Canada in 1985 and 1988, respectively.

Dr. Kantzas is a professional engineer with APEGA and a member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), the Petroleum Society of CIM, CSChE, AIChE, and SCA. He has authored or co-authored over 500 technical papers and over 500 technical reports.

Cross appointments and affiliations:

  • Director, Tomographic Imaging and Porous Media Laboratory (TIPM Lab) – Now PERM Inc.
  • Laureate, Canada Research Chair in Energy and Imaging
  • Laureate, NSERC i-CORE Industrial Research Chair in Fundamentals of Unconventional Resources


Areas of Research

Flow in porous media, tomographic imaging, hydrocarbon production, geothermal energy, pore level modelling, low field NMR

The NSERC AITF/i-CORE Industrial Research Chair (IRC) in Modelling Fundamentals of Unconventional Resource at the University of Calgary  is headed by Dr. Apostolos Kantzas. It builds on the outcomes of the CRC in Energy and Imaging. The Chair studies conventional heavy oil (non-thermal recovery processes), bitumen in oil sand (fundamental property identification: wettability, capillary pressure, relative permeability, and dispersion phenomena for steam-bitumen, solvent-bitumen and steam-solvent-bitumen systems) and bitumen in carbonates (comparison to clastics and characterization of multiple porosity systems). The primary objectives have been identified by industry and aligned with public sector priorities:

  • Understand the physics of multiphase flow in unconventional resources (in-situ) using lab experiments to establish data that can be used to validate models. The PI addresses this via a study of geological heterogeneities and the presence of mobile water.
  • Develop models of multiphase flow in unconventional resources at the pore level and then provide opportunities for collaborators to validate their models as well.
  • The lab work will establish the interaction parameters for fluid/fluid and solid/fluid under thermal and thermal/solvent conditions.
  • The resulting models and the application of these models by industry will facilitate industry goals to reduce their CO2 emissions and maximize the injection of GHG for oil and gas recovery processes.
  • Industry and collaborators will use the data and the modeling outcomes to further their own goals both in R&D and in the recovery of energy resources in Canada.

There are three secondary objectives:

  • Invent and commercialize proper tools that support core analysis with simultaneous visualization in a 300oC+ environment.
  • Identify, prove and/or invent and commercialize new technologies for unconventional resource development and these will be identified as the work progresses.
  • Foster the development of a knowledge-based entrepreneurial culture via the training of highly qualified personnel who are exposed to skill transfer between industry academia and government.

Kantzas held the CRC in Energy and Imaging for the past ten years and had supplementary funding from a consortium (established 2001) of oil and gas companies, who have participated for 10 years. The CRC tenure ended in 2011. As the Chair of this program, the PI fosters opportunities for sharing outcomes from interrelated areas of work by opening bimonthly and annual technical presentations to these various groups and programs. Due to the fundamental nature of this research the overall scientific quality of the research around unconventional energy resources is enhanced through this technology transfer process.


Course number Course title Semester
ENCH 69978 LAB 01 B01 Special Project 2020
ENCH 69979 LAB 01 B01 Special Project 2020
ENPE 423 LEC 01 01 Oil & Gas Engg Proc Developmnt 2020
ENCH 423 LEC 01 01 Chem Engg Process Development 2021
ENER 400 LAB 01 B01 Engineering Design & Economics 2020
ENPE 423 LAB 01 B01 Oil & Gas Engg Proc Developmnt 2020
ENPE 511 LAB 02 B02 Design For Oil & Gas Eng I 2021
ENPE 531 LAB 02 B02 Design For Oil & Gas Engg II 2021
ENCH 423 LAB 01 B01 Chem Engg Process Development 2020
ENPE 551 LAB 04 B04 PetroleumEngineeringLaboratory 2021


  • Outstanding Mentorship Award, University of Calgary, Schulich School of Engineering. 2018
  • Outstanding Service Award, Petroleum Society of CIM. 2007
  • Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology 2005 Best Paper Award, Petroleum Society of CIM. 2006
  • Outstanding Technical Editor Award, Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2006
  • Professor of the Year, Oil and Gas Engineering Program, Schulich School of Engineering. 2006
  • Professor of the Year, Oil and Gas Engineering Program, Schulich School of Engineering. 2005
  • Best Petrophysical Paper, ICE 2004 CSPG, CHOA, CWLS Joint Conference. 2004
  • Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Research Award, University of Calgary. 2004
  • Outstanding Achievement in Supervision Award, University of Calgary, Faculty of Graduate Studues. 2003
  • Outstanding Technical Editor Award, Society of Petroleum Engineers. 2003
  • Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Research Award, University of Calgary. 2003
  • Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Research Award, University of Calgary. 2000
  • CFI New Opportunities Award, 1998