Anthony Patrick Russell
Professor Emeritus
Contact information
Educational Background
PhD Comparative Anatomy, University of London, 1972
BSc Zoology and Botany, University of Exeter, 1969
Areas of Research
My research primarily focuses on evolutionary and functional morphology of both living and extinct amniote vertebrates. I have a long-standing interest in the evolutionary and functional morphology of gekkonid lizards, with a concentration on the locomotor system. This has also led me into the areas of systematics and historical biogeography. Another ongoing area of investigation is in feeding mechanics and the evolutionary morphology of feeding systems. In this regard I have concentrated mainly on mammals. In a local context my laboratory has been involved with the basic biology and ecology of the amphibians and reptiles of Alberta. A third line of research relates to the study of the Cretaceous vertebrates of western North America. Such studies are carried out in conjunction with the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology.
Students interested in carrying out graduate work in my laboratory should have a strong background in either vertebrate morphology and systematics, or ecology (or both). My appointment as a research associate of the Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology provides excellent opportunity for the study of fossil vertebrates and fossil vertebrate communities.
Research Projects Currently in Progress
- Biology and ecology of gekkonid lizards
- Kinematics of locomotion in sprawling tetrapods
- Mechanical properties of the integument of amniotes
- Relative growth of squamate axial and appendicular components.
- Ecology and basic biology of the amphibians and reptiles of Alberta, including population declines.
- “Reptilian” paleobiology
- Mechanics of claw retraction in carnivores
More Information
- Senarathge R Weerawardhena, Anthony P Russell. 2015. Diversity and Habitat Occupancy of Amphibians of the Knuckles Mountain For- est Range World Heritage Site, Sri Lanka, and Related Conservation Issues. RJH (22) 1. pp 11-2
- Khannoon E.R., Russell A.P., Tucker A.S. 2015 Developmental mechanisms un- derlying differential claw expression in the autopodia of geckos. Evodevo. 2015 Apr 10;6:8. doi: 10.1186/s13227-015-0003-9. eCollection 2015.
- Anthony P. Russell and Garrett S. Oetelaar 2015 Limb and digit orientation dur- ing vertical clinging in Bibron’s gecko, Chondrodactylus bibronii (A. Smith, 1846) and its bearing on the adhesive capabilities of geckos. Acta Zoologica DOI: 10.1111/azo.12128
- Anthony P. Russell, Sabrina E. Lynn, G. Lawrence Powell, Andrew Cottle 2015 The regenerated tail of juvenile leopard geckos (Gekkota: Eublepharidae: Eublepharis macularius) preferentially stores more fat than the original. doi:10.1016/j.zool.2014.12.003
- Timothy E. Highama, Aleksandra V. Birn-Jefferya, Clint E. Collinsa, C. Darrin Hulseyb, and Anthony P. Russell. 2014 Adaptive simplification and the evolution of gecko locomotion: Morphological and biomechanical consequences of losing adhesion. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences USA.
- Lea A. Randall, Lynne D. Chalmers, Axel Moehrenschlager, Anthony P. Russell 2014. Asynchronous breeding and vari- able embryonic development period in the threatened Northern Leopard Frog (Lithobates pipiens) in the Cypress Hills, Alberta, Canada: conservation and management impli- cations. The Canadian Field-Naturalist. 128:50-56
- Druckenmiller, P.S. and A.P. Russell (2009n). Earliest North American occurrence of Polycotylidae (Sauropterygia : Plesiosauria) from the Lower Cretaceous (Albian) Clearwater Formation, Alberta, Canada. Journal of Paleontology 83 : 981 - 989.
- Johnson, M.K., A.P. Russell and S.M. Delannoy. (2009l). Surface characteristics of locomotor substrata and their relationship to gekkonid adhesion: a case study of /Rhoptropus/ cf. /biporosus/. pp. 123 – 154 In S.N. Gorb (Ed.) Functional Surfaces in Biology Volume 2 Adhesion Related Phenomena. Dordrecht : Springer.
- Jamniczky, H., A.P. Russell, M.K. Johnson, S. Montuelle and V. Bels. (2009k). Morphology and histology of the tongue and oral chamber of /Eublepharis macularius/ (Squamata: Gekkonidae), with special reference to the foretongue and its role in fluid uptake and transport. Evolutionary Biology 36:397 - 406 DOI 10.1007/s11692-009-9072-9
- Higham, T.E. and A.P. Russell. (2009j). Flip, flop and fly: modulated motor control and highly variable movement patterns of autotomized gecko tails. Biology Letters Published on line September 14, 2009. DOI : 10.1098/rsbl.2009.0577
- Russell, A.P. (2009i). Situating and teaching 21^st century zoology: revealing pattern in the form and function of animals. Integrative Zoology 4 : 309 - 315.
- Russell, A.P. and T.E. Higham. (2009h). A new angle on clinging in geckos: incline, not substrate, triggers the deployment of the adhesive system. Proceedings B. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2009.0946.
- Wise, P.A.D., M.K. Vickaryous and A.P. Russell. (2009g). An embryonic staging table for /in ovo/ development of /Eublepharis macularius/, the leopard gecko. The Anatomical Record 292: 1198-1212.
- Kundrát, M., J. Janá? cek and A.P. Russell. (2009f). Developmental patterns of the crocodilian and avian columella auris: reappraisal of interpretations of the derivation of the dorsal hyoid arch in archosaurian tetrapods. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 156: 384-410.
- Johnson, M.K. and Russell. (2009e). Configuration of the setal fields of /Rhoptropus/ (Gekkota: Gekkonidae): functional, evolutionary, ecological and phylogenetic implications of observed pattern. Journal of Anatomy 214: 937-955.
- Maddin, H.C., L. Eckhardt, K. Jaeger, A.P. Russell and M. Ghannadan. (2009d). The anatomy and development of the claws of /Xenopus laevis/ (Lissamphibia: Anura) reveal alternate pathways of structural evolution in the integument of tetrapods. Journal of Anatomy 214: 607-619.
- Druckenmiller, P.S. and A.P. Russell. (2009c). The new plesiosauran genus /Nichollssaura/ from Alberta, Canada: a replacement for the preoccupied genus /Nichollsia/. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 29(1): 276.
- Brown, C., A.P. Russell and M.J. Ryan. (2009b). Pattern and transition of surficial bone texture of the centrosaurine frill and their ontogenetic and taxonomic implications. J. Vert. Paleo 29(1): 132-141.
- Webster, N.D., M.K. Johnson and A.P. Russell. (2009a). Ontogenetic scaling of scansorial surface area and setal dimensions of Chondrodactylus bibronii (Gekkota: Gekkonidae):testing predictions
- derived from cross-species comparisons of gekkotans. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 90:18 – 29.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer. (2008). The appendicular locomotor apparatus of, and locomotion in lizards and /Sphenodon/. Biology of the Reptilia 21: 1-466.
- Druckenmiller, P.S. and A.P. Russell. (2008e). A phylogeny of Plesiosauria (Sauropterygia) and its bearing on the
- systematic status of /Leptocleidus/ Andrews 1922. Zootaxa 1863: 1-120.
- Russell, A.P. (2008d). Review of “Reptiles and Amphibians of Canada by C. Fisher, A. Joynt and R. Brooks. 2007”. Canadian Association of Herpetologists Bulletin 15(2): 8-11.
- Wise, P.A.D. and A.P. Russell. (2008c). /Chamaeleo rudis/ -- Reproduction. Herpetological Review 39(1): 87-88.
- Jamniczky, H.A. and A.P. Russell. (2008b). Carotid circulatory development in turtles: using existing materials to seek critical developmental stages that localize establishment of clade-specific patterns. Amphibia-Reptilia 29: 270-277.
- Druckenmiller, P.S. and A.P. Russell. (2008a). Skeletal anatomy of an exceptionally complete specimen of a new genus of plesiosaur from Early Cretaceous (Early Albian) of northeastern Alberta, Canada. Palaeontographica Abteilung A 283: 1-33.
- Jamniczky, H.A., D.B. Brinkman and A.P. Russell. (2007s). A repeatable and efficient sampling protocol for vertebrate microsites. pp. 9-16 /In/ J.T. Sankey and S. Baszio (Eds.). Vertebrate Microfossil Assemblages: Their Role in Paleoecology and Paleobiogeography. Indiana University Press: Bloomington, Indiana.
- Russell, A.P. and M.K. Johnson. (2007r). Real-world challenges to, and capabilities of, the gekkotan adhesive system: contrasting the rough and the smooth. Canadian Journal of Zoology 85: 1228-1238.
- Ryan, M.J., R. Holmes and A.P. Russell. (2007q). A revision of the late Campanian controsaurine ceratopsid genus /Styracosaurus/ from the western interior of North America. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27: 944-962.
- Wise, P.A.D. and A.P. Russell. (2007p). Skeletal development of the embryonic leopard gecko (/Eublepharis macularius/): a real-time study of the genesis of gross pattern and its correlation with developmental stages. Journal of Morphology 268(12): 1150 (Abstract).
- Russell, A.P. and M.K. Johnson. (2007o). Scales across scales: the adhesive capacity of geckos in its environmental context. Journal of Morphology 268(12): 1126 (Abstract).
- Knoll, H.M. and A.P. Russell. (2007n). The avian furcula in its anatomical context: seeking explanation for patterns of reduction and loss of the wishbone. Journal of Morphology 268(12): 1094 (Abstract).
- Johnson, M.K. and A.P. Russell. (2007m). Variation on a theme: characteristics of setal fields and associated locomotor substratum in the gecko genus /Rhoptropus/. Journal of Morphology 268(12): 1090 (Abstract).
- Jamniczky, H.A., A.P. Russell and W.D. Fitch. (2007l). Asking why: Inquiry-based learning in the Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy laboratory. Journal of Morphology 268(12): 1089 (Abstract).
- Bels, V., S. Baussart, V. Delheusy, A.P. Russell, H.A. Jamniczky and K.V. Kardong. (2007k). The mechanism of drinking in lizards. Journal of Morphology 268(12): 1048 (Abstract).
- Snively, E. and A.P. Russell. (2007j). Functional morphology of neck musculature in the Tyrannosauridae (Dinosauria, Theropoda) as determined via a hierarchical inferential approach. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 151: 759-808.
- Russell, A.P. (2007i). The Zoology Undergraduate Curriculum -- where to from here? Bulletin of the Canadian Society of Zoologists 38(3): 12-17 (aussi disponible en Français, pp. 42-48).
- Snively, E.S and A.P. Russell. (2007h). Craniocervical feeding dynamics of /Tyrannosaurus rex./ Paleobiology 33: 610-638.
- Russell, A.P., M.K. Johnson and S.M. Delannoy. (2007g). Insights from studies of gecko-inspired adhesion and their impact on our understanding of the evolution of the gekkotan adhesive system. J. Adhes. Sci. Technol. 21: 1119-1143
- Snively, E.S. and A.P. Russell. (2007f). Functional variation of neck muscles and their relation to feeding style in Tyrannosauridae and other large theropod dinosaurs. The Anatomical Record Part A 290: 934-957.
- Jamniczky, H.A. and A.P. Russell. (2007e). Reappraisal of patterns of nonmarine cryptodiran turtle carotid circulation: evidence from osteological correlates and soft tissues. Journal of Morphology 268: 571-587.
- Powell, G.L. and A.P. Russell. (2007d). Life history implications for conservation and monitoring of lizards in Canada. pp. 23-40 In Seburn, C.N.L. and C.A. Bishop (Eds). Ecology, Conservation, and Status of Reptiles in Canada. Herpetological Conservation Number 2. Salt Lake City, Utah: Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles.
- Russell, A.P. (2007c). The way of a gecko on a rock: why the animal’s real environment matters. The Boreal Dip Net 11: 9-10.
- Russell, A.P. and M.K. Johnson. (2007b). Natural substratum topography and its relation to the prolific adhesive capacity of geckos. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Adhesion Society: 61-63.
- Bergmann, P.J. and A.P. Russell. (2007a). Systematics and biogeography of the widespread Neotropical gekkonid genus Thecadactylus(Squamata), with the description of a new cryptic species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 149: 339-370.
- Druckenmiller, P.S. and A.P. Russell. (2006h). A new elasmosaurid plesiosaur (Reptilia: Sauropterygia) from the Lower Cretaceous Clearwater Formation, northeastern Alberta, Canada. Paludicola 5(4): 184-199.
- Jamniczky, H.A., D.B. Brinkman and A.P. Russell. (2006g). Phylogenetic implications of turtle cranial circulation: a review. Fossil Turtle Research 1: 84-92.
- Delannoy, S.M. and A.P. Russell. (2006f). Complexity of the gecko adhesive: setal stalk, tip and density dimensions across the subdigital pads of Gekko gecko. Bull. Can. Soc. Zool. 37(2): 38 (Abstract).
- Johnson, M.K. and A.P. Russell. (2006e). The relationship between locomotor surface structure and the subdigital adhesive system of geckos: insight from natural substrata. Bull. Can. Soc. Zool. 37(2): 37-38 (Abstract).
- Russell, A.P. and S.M. Delannoy. (2006d). Subdigital fields of the tokay gecko -- patterns of variation and evolutionary implications. Bull. Can. Soc. Zool. 37(2): 36-37 (Abstract).
- Ryan, M. and A.P. Russell. (2006c). The status of the problematic taxon Monoclonius (Ornithischia: Ceratopsidae) and the recognition of adult-sized dinosaur taxa. Abstracts of the Geological Society of America, April 20-21, Akron, Ohio. North Central Section 78(4): 62 (Abstract).
- Bergmann, P.J., A.D. Melin and A.P. Russell. (2006b). Differential segmental growth of the vertebral column of the rat (Rattus norvegicus). Zoology 109: 54-65.
- Jasinoski, S.C., A.P. Russell and P.J. Currie. (2006a). An integrated phylogenetic and extrapolatory approach to the reconstruction of dromaeosaur (Theropoda: Eumaniraptora) shoulder musculature. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 146(3): 301-344.
- Russell, A.P., G.B. Bourne, R.M.R. Barclay and E.C. Yeung. (2005k). Undergraduate zoologists in the grade 1-6 classroom: content specialists and curriculum enhancement. Bulletin of the Canadian Society of Zoologists 36(3): 13-
- Johnson, M.K., A.P. Russell and A.M. Bauer. (2005j). Locomotor morphometry of the Pachydactylus radiation of lizards (Gekkota: Gekkonidae): a phylogenetically and ecologically informed analysis. Canadian Journal of Zoology 83: 1511-1524.
- Ryan, M.J. and A.P. Russell. (2005i). A new centrosaurine ceratopsid from the Oldman Formation of Alberta and its implications for centrosaurine taxonomy and systematics. Can. J. Earth Sciences 42: 1369-1387.
- Russell, A.P. Review of “Amphibians and Reptiles of Montana by J. Kirwin Werner et al.” (2005h). Great Plains Research 15(2): 342-344.
- Melin, A.D., P.J. Bergmann and A.P. Russell. (2005g). Mammalian postnatal growth estimates: the influence of weaning on the choice of a comparative metric. Journal of Mammalogy 86(5): 1042-1049.
- Jamniczky, H.A., D.B. Brinkman and A.P. Russell. (2005f). Character analysis and the turtle carotid circulation. pp. 49-51 In D. Braman, F. Therrien, E.B. Koppelhus and W. Taylor (Eds.), Dinosaur Park Symposium. Royal Tyrrell Museum (Extended abstract).
- Brinkman, D., A.P. Russell and J.H. Peng. (2005e). Vertebrate microfossil sites and their contribution to studies of paleoecology. Dinosaur Provincial Park: A Spectacular Ancient Ecosystem Revealed. pp. 88-98 In Currie, P.J. and Koppelhus, E.B. (Eds.), University of Indiana Press, Bloomington, Indiana (accepted March 23, 2005).
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer. (2005d). Variation in structure and its relationship to function: correlation, explanation and extrapolation. Chapter 17, pp. 399-434 In Variation: A Central Concept in Biology, B. Hallgrímsson and B.K. Hall (Eds.), Academic Press, New York.
- Thompson, M.D. and A.P. Russell. (2005c). Glacial retreat and its influence on migration of mitochondrial genes in the long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum) in Western North America. pp. 205-246 In Migration of Organisms: Climate, Geography, Ecology.
- Russell, A.P., A.M. Bauer and M.K. Johnson. (2005b). Migration in Amphibians and Reptiles: An Overview of Patterns, and Orientation Mechanisms. pp. 151-203 In Migration of Organisms: Climate, Geography, Ecology. A.M.T. Elewa (Ed.). Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany.
- Kronauer , D.J.C., P.J. Bergmann, J.M. Mercer and A.P. Russell. (2005a). A phylogeographically deep and distinct divergence in the widespread of the neotropical turnip-tailed gecko, Thecadactylus rapicauda. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 34: 431-437.
- Peattie, A.M., S.M. Delannoy, A.P. Russell and R.J. Full. (2004o). Deformation of isolated gecko setal arrays: bending or buckling? I. Kinematics. Integrative and Comparative Biology 44: 619 (Abstract).
- Bergmann, P.J. and Russell. (2004n). Patterns of variation in relation to tail morphology, vertebral number and tail length in lizards. Integrative and Comparative Biology 44: 524 (abstract).
- Jamniczky, H. and A.P. Russell. (2004m). A geometric morphometric assessment of the “batagurine process” of testudinoid turtles. Amphibia-Reptilia 25: 369-379.
- Jamniczky, H.A. and A.P. Russell. (2004l). Cranial arterial foramen diameter in turtles: a quantitative assessment of size-independent phylogenetic signal. Animal Biology 54: 417-436.
- Snively, E., A.P. Russell and G.L. Powell. (2004k). Evolutionary morphology of the coelurosaurian arctometatarsus: descriptive, morphometric, and phylogenetic approaches. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 142: 525-553.
- Brinkman, D., A.P. Russell, D.A. Eberth and J. Peng. (2004j). Vertebrate palaeocommunities of the Lower Judith River Group (Campanian) of southeastern Alberta, Canada, as interpreted from vertebrate microfossil assemblages. Palaeogeog., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol. 213: 295-313.
- Russell, A.P. (2004i). Who goes there? Amphibians and reptiles in the vicinity of Edmonton. pp. 4-5 In Program of the N
- Russell, A.P., P.J. Bergmann and A. Melin. (2004h). Segmental and regional growth in the rat vertebral column. J. Morphol. 260(3): 324 (Abstract).
- Jamniczky, H.A. and A.P. Russell. (2004g). In the eye of the beholder: a geometric morphometric assessment of the batagurine process of testudinoid turtles. J. Morphol. 260(3): 302 (Abstract).
- Delannoy, S.M., A.M. Gutierrez and A.P. Russell. (2004f). Do mustelid carnivores have semi-retractile claws? A comparative morphometric assessment. J. Morphol. 260(3): 286 (Abstract).
- Bergmann, P.J. and A.P. Russell. (2004e). Use of Principal Component Analysis in modelling growth of segmental structures. J. Morphol. 260(3): 278 (Abstract).
- Delannoy, S.M., A.M. Gutierrez and A.P. Russell. (2004d). Do mustelid carnivores have semi-retractile claws? A comparative morphometric assessment. Bull. Can. Soc. Zool. 35(2): 69 (Abstract).
- Jamniczky, H.A. and A.P. Russell. (2004c). You can’t believe your eyes: a geometric morphometric assessment of the batagurine process of testudinoid turtles. Bull. Can. Soc. Zool. 35(2): 96 (Abstract).
- Russell, A.P., P.J. Bergmann and A. Melin. (2004b). Segmental and regional growth of the rat vertebral column. Bull. Can. Soc. Zool. 35(2): 146 (Abstract).
- Bergmann, P.J., A.M. Hobbs, M. Kavalench and A.P. Russell. (2004a). Modulated but conserved segmental growth of the original tail in Callisaurus draconoides (Phrynosomatidae) and Calotes versicolor (Agamidae). Herpetologica 60: 62-74.
- Bergmann, P.J., S. Lessard and A.P. Russell. (2003j). Tail growth in Chamaeleo dilepis (Sauria: Chamaeleonidae): functional implications of segmental patterns. Journal of Zoology 261: 417-425.
- Jamniczky, H.A., D.B. Brinkman and A.P. Russell. (2003i). Vertebrate microsite sampling: how much his enough? Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 23: 725-734.
- Bergmann, P.J. and A.P. Russell. (2003h). Lamella and scansor numbers in Thecadactylus rapicauda (Gettonidae): patterns revealed through correlational analysis and implications for systematic and functional studies. Amphibia-Reptilia 24: 379-385.
- Ryan, M.J. and A.P. Russell (2003g). New centrosaurine ceratopsids from the late Campanian of Alberta and Montana, and a review of contemporaneous and regional patterns of centrosaurine evolution. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 23 supplement to No. 3: 91A (Abstract).
- Jasinoski, S., A.P. Russell and P.J. Currie (2003f). The evolution of the theropod shoulder apparatus up to birds: an integrated approach. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 23 supplement to No. 3: 66A (Abstract).
- Druckenmiller, P. and A.P. Russell (2003e). A preliminary report on a diverse assemblage of Early Cretaceous plesiosaurs and ichthyosaurs from the Clearwater Formation, Northern Alberta, Canada. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 23 supplement to No. 3: 46A (Abstract).
- Weerawardhena, S.R., A.P. Russell and R.M.C.S. Ratnayaka. (2003d). A molar tooth of the extinct hippopotamus Hexaprotodon sivalensis (Hippopotamidae) from upper Pleistocene deposits of the Central Province of Sri Lanka. Ceylon Journal of Science (Biol. Sciences) 31: 69-73.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell. (2003c). Phyllodactylus wirshingi. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 770: 1-4.
- Russell, A.P. (2003b). Integrative functional morphology of the gekkotan adhesive system (Reptilia: Gekkota). Integrative and Comparative Biology 42: 1154-1163
- Snively, E.S. and A.P. Russell. (2003a). Kinematic model of tyrranosaurid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) arctometatarsus function. Journal of Morphology 255: 215-227.
- Vickaryous, M.K. and A.P. Russell. (2002g). A redescription of the skull of Euoplocephalus tutus (Archosauria: Ornithischia): a foundation for comparative and systematic studies of ankylosaurian dinosaurs. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer. (2002f). Underwood's classification of the geckos: a 21st century appreciation. Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus. Zoology Series 68: 113-121.
- Powell, G.L., A.P. Russell and M.J. Ryan. (2002e). Ontogenetic scaling of the cephalic armature of the horned lizard Phrynosoma orbiculare(Squamata: Phrynosomatidae). Journal of Herpetology 36: 578-589.
- Bergmann, P.J. and A.P. Russell. (2002d). Phylogenetic and ecological aspects of hindlimb segment growth patterns in various lizards. Bulletin of the Canadian Society of Zoologists 33: 7 (Abstract).
- Kundrat, M., V. Seichert, A.P. Russell and K. Smetana, Jr. (2002c). Pentadactyl pattern of the avian wing autopodium and pyramid reduction hypothesis. Journal of Experimental Zoology (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 294: 152-159.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer. (2002b). Thecadactylus. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 735: 1-16.
- Snively, E. and A.P. Russell. (2002a). The tyrannosaurid metatarsus: bone strain and inferred ligament function. Senckenbergiana Lethaia 82: 35-42.
- Bergmann, P.J. and A.P. Russell. (2001dd). Patterns of hindlimb segment growth in various lizards and their relation to lizard ecology. American Zoologist 41: 1390-1391 (Abstract).
- Russell, A.P. (2001cc). Scaling the spandrels of San Marco: Integrative functional morphology of the gekkotan adhesive system. American Zoologist 41: 1573-1574 (Abstract).
- Russell, A.P. and V. Bels. (2001bb). Biomechanics and kinematics of locomotion in lizards: review, synthesis and prospectus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 131: 89-112.
- Russell, A.P. and V. Bels. (2001aa). Introduction to the Symposium-- "Learning about the comparative biomechanics of locomotion and feeding". Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A 131: 1-5.
- Hill, M.M.A., G.L. Powell and A.P. Russell. (2001z). Diet of the prairie rattlesnake, Crotalus viridis viridis, in southeastern Alberta. Canadian Field-Naturalist 115: 241-246.
- Russell, A.P. (2001y). Review of "Amphibians and Reptiles of Madagascar and the Mascarene, Seychelles and Comoro Islands" by F.W. Henkel and W. Schmidt. Quarterly Review of Biology 76: 507.
- Wu, X-C., A.P. Russell and D.B. Brinkman. (2001x). A review of Leidyosuchus canadensis Lambe, 1907 (Archosauria: Crocodylia) and an assessment of cranial variation based upon new material. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 38: 1665-1687.
- Wu, X.-C., Z. Cheng and A.P. Russell. (2001w). Cranial anatomy of a new crocodyliform (Archosauria: Crocodylomorpha) from the Lower Cretaceous of Song-Liao Plain, Northeastern China. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 38: 1653-1663.
- Vickaryous, M.K., A.P. Russell, P.J. Currie and Xi-Jin Zhao. (2001v). A new ankylosaurid (Dinosauria: Ankylosauria) from the Late Cretaceous of China, with comments on ankylosaurian relationships and osteological terminology. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 38: 1767-1780.
- Vickaryous, M.K., A.P. Russell and P.J. Currie. (2001u). Cranial ornamentation of ankylosaurs (Ornithischia: Thyreophora): re-appraisal of developmental hypotheses. pp. 318-340. In Carpenter, K. (Ed.) The Armored Dinosaurs. Indiana University Press: Bloomington, Indiana.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell. (2001t). The first record of reptiles in Alberta: Aemilius Simpson's journal of 1826. Herpetological Review 32: 174-176.
- Ryan, M., A.P. Russell, P.J. Currie and D.A. Eberth. (2001s). Taphonomy of a Centrosaurus (Dinosauria: Ornithischia) bone bed from the Dinosaur Park Formation (Campanian) of Alberta, Canada. Palaios 16: 482-506.
- Wu, X-C., A.P. Russell and S.L. Cumbaa. (2001r). Terminonaris (Archosauria: Crocodyliformes): New material from Saskatchewan, Canada, and comments on its phylogenetic relationships. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21: 492-514.
- Vickaryous, M.K. and A.P. Russell. (2001q). New information on the skull of the ankylosaurian dinosaur Euoplocephalus tutus Lambe (1902) and a review of ankylosaurian cranial osteology. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21, Supplement to No. 3: 110 (Abstract).
- Snively, E. and A.P. Russell. (2001p). Distal unification hypothesis of tyrannosaurid arctometatarsus function. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21, Supplement to No. 3: 102 (Abstract).
- Ryan, M.J., P.J. Currie and A.P. Russell (2001o). New material of Avimimus portentosus (Theropoda) from the Iren Dabasu formation (Upper Cretaceous) of the Erenhot region of Inner Mongolia. Journal of Vertebrate Palentology 21, Supplepment to No. 3: 95 (Abstract).
- Wu, X-C., A.P. Russell and S.L. Cumbaa. (2001n). Terminonaris (Archosauria: Crocodyliformes): New material from Saskatchewan, Canada, and comments on its phylogenetic relationships. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21: 492-514.
- Ryan, M.J. and A.P. Russell. (2001m). Dinosaurs of Alberta (exclusive of Aves). pp. 279-297 In Tanke, D.H. and K. Carpenter (Eds.). Mesozoic Vertebrate Life: New Research Inspired by the Palaeontology of Philip J. Currie. NRC Research Press / Indiana University Press: Bloomington, Indiana.
- Vikaryous, M.K. and A.P. Russell. (2001l). The osseous secondary palate of ankylosaurs: variation in configuration of the nasal pathways. J. Morphology 248: 295 (Abstract).
- Snively, E. and A.P. Russell. (2001k). Integrated bone and ligament function of the metatarsus of tyrannosaurid dinosaurs. J. Morphology 248: 286 (Abstract).
- Russell, A.P. (2001j). Fidelity of convergence in saurian digital adhesive systems: gekkotans and anolines. J. Morphology 248: 278 (Abstract).
- Bergmann, P.J. and A.P. Russell. (2001i). Growth of the original tail in Anolis grahami: Isometry of the whole is a product of regional differences. Journal of Herpetology 35: 232-238.
- Russell, A.P. and H.N. Bryant. (2001h). Claw retraction and protraction in the Carnivora: the cheetah as an atypical felid. Journal of Zoology, London 254: 67-76.
- Russell, A.P., R.M. Pereschitz and G.L. Powell. (2001g). The cranial osteology of Richardson's ground squirrel (Spermophilus richardsonii). Annales Zoologici 51: 117-131.
- Russell, A.P. and L.D. Dijkstra. (2001f). Patagial morphology of Draco volans (Reptilia: Agamidae) and the origin of glissant locomotion in flying dragons. Journal of Zoology, London 253: 457-471.
- Wu, X-C and A.P. Russell (2001e). Redescription of Turfanosuchus dabanensis (Archosauriformes) and new information on its phylogenetic relationships. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 21: 40-50.
- Russell, A.P. and V. Bels. (2001d). Digital hyperextension in Anolis sagrei. Herpetologica 57: 58-65.
- Russell, A.P., L.D. Dijkstra and G.L. Powell. (2001c). Structural characteristics of the patagium of Ptychozoon kuhli (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) in relation to parachuting locomotion. Journal of Morphology 247: 252-263.
- Russell, A.P., P. Bergmann and L.J. Barbadillo. (2001b). Maximal caudal autotomy in Podarcis hispanica (Lacertidae): the caudifemoralis muscle is not sundered. Copeia 2001: 154-163.
- Peng, J., A.P. Russell and D.B. Brinkman. (2001a). Vertebrate microsite assemblages (exclusive of mammals) from the Foremost and Oldman formations of the Judith River Group (Campanian) of southeastern Alberta, Canada: An illustrated guide. Natural History Occasional Paper 25, The Provincial Museum of Alberta. ii + 1-54.
- Tarsitano, S.F., A.P. Russell, D. Rodriguez, D. Sandoval and L. Stegall. (2000g). Aerodynamic evidence for the evolution of protofeathers and avian sister group relationships. Quarterly Journal of the Dinosaur Society 4: 24-25.
- Tarsitano, S.F., A.P. Russell, F. Horne, C. Plummer and K. Millerchip. (2000f). On the evolution of feathers from an aerodynamic and constructional viewpoint. American Zoologist 40: 676-686.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer. (2000e). The Amphibians and Reptiles of Alberta: A Field Guide and primer of Boreal Herpetology. Second Edition. University of Calgary Press.
- Russell, A.P., D.R. Rittenhouse and A.M. Bauer. (2000d). Laryngotracheal morphology of Afro-Madagascan geckos; a comparative survey. Journal of Morphology 245: 241-268.
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- Russell, A.P. (2000a). Mary Needler Arai. A family tree of sea scholars. Canadian Society of Zoologists Bulletin 31(1): 17-20.
- Russell, A.P., M.K. Vickaryous and E. Snively. (1999d). Palaeontological impact assessment of two Red Deer river crossings. Submitted to Golder Associates Ltd. for AMOCO Canada. 23 pp.
- Russell, A.P. (1999c). Past glory and present challenge: the amphibians and reptiles of Alberta. Proceedings of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Canadian Herpetological Symposia, Drumheller, Alberta: 52-60.
- Powell, G.L. and A.P. Russell. (1999b). Amphibians and reptiles on the Alberta prairies - current issues. In: J. Thorpe, T.A. Steeves and M. Gollop (Eds.). Proceedings of the Fifth Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference. Provincial Museum of Alberta Natural History Occasional Paper 24: 331-334.
- Beavan, N.R. and A.P. Russell. (1999a). A marine vertebrate microfossil assemblage from the Lethbridge Coal Zone (Dinosaur Park Formation: Campanian), Alberta, Canada. Journal of Paleontology 73: 494-503.
- Vickaryous, M.K., A.P. Russell, P.J. Currie, K. Carpenter, J.I. Kirkland. (1998j). The cranial sculpturing of ankylosaurs (Dinosauria: Ornithischia): reappraisal of developmental hypotheses. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (abstract).
- Ryan, M.J., D.A. Eberth, D.A. Brinkman, A.P. Russell. (1998i). A sub-adult Styracosaurus (Ornithischia) from the Dinosaur Park Formation (Late Campanian), Alberta, Canada. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (abstract).
- Russell, A.P. (1998h). Review of "Osteology of the Reptiles" by Alfred Sherwood Romer. Krieger Reprinting. American Zoologist 38: 795-796.
- Bininda-Emonds, O.R.P., H.N. Bryant and A.P. Russell. (1998g). Supraspecific taxa as terminals in cladistic analysis: implicit assumptions of monophyly and errors in phylogenetic inference. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 64: 101-133.
- Rittenhouse, D.R., A.P. Russell and A.M. Bauer. (1998f). The larynx and trachea of the barking gecko, Ptenopus garrulus maculatus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) and their relation to vocalization. South African Journal of Zoology 33: 23-30.
- Russell, A.P. (1998e). The Mammalian Masticatory Apparatus: An Introductory Comparative Exercise. In: Karcher, S.J. (Ed.). Tested Studies for Laboratory Teaching &endash; Proceedings of the 19th Workshop/Conference of the Association for Biology Laboratory Education (ABLE). pp. 271-286.
- Powell, G.L. and A.P. Russell. (1998d). The status of the short-horned lizards, Phrynosoma douglassii, and P. hernandezi in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 112: 1-16.
- Powell, G.L., A.P. Russell and P.J. Fargey. (1998c). The distribution of the eastern short-horned lizard (Phrynosoma hernandezi) in Saskatchewan, Canada. Northwestern Naturalist 79: 19-26.
- Rosenberg, H.I. and A.P. Russell. (1998b). Review of textbooks of comparative vertebrate anatomy. American Zoologist 38: 406-409.
- Powell, G.L., A.P. Russell, M.M.A. Hill, N.E. O_Brien and J. Skilnick. (1998a). A preliminary investigation of movements, habitat use, and population trends in the prairie rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis) in a multiple-use rural landscape in southeastern Alberta. The 1997 Field Season. Submitted to the Alberta Conservation Association.
- Russell, A.P. and X.-C. Wu. (1997n). The Crocodylomorpha at and between geological boundaries: the Baden-Powell approach to change. Zoology 100: 164-182.
- Bourne, G.B. and A.P. Russell. (1997m). Biological Sciences 2000: Revising a curriculum to face a future of reduced funding and demands of flexibility. In: Calhoun, K., R. Panwar and S. Shrum (Eds). Science and Technology Education for Responsible Citizenship and Economic Development. International Organization for Science and Technology Education for Responsible Citizenship and Economic Development. International Organization for Science and Technology Education. 8th Symposium Proceedings Vol. 2: 218.
- Watson, S.M., and A.P. Russell. (1997p). Status of the prairie rattlesnake (Crotalus viridis viridis) in Alberta. Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 6: vii + 1-27. Alberta Environmental Protection, Wildlife Management Division, Status and Surveys Branch.
- Powell, G.L., A.P. Russell, J.D. James, S.J. Nelson and S.M. Watson. (1997o). Population biology of the long-toed salamander, Ambystoma macrodactylum, in the Front Range of Alberta. In Green, D.M. (ed). Amphibians in decline: Canadian studies of a global problem. Herpetological Conservation No. 1: 37-44. SSAR.
- Wu, X-C. and A.P. Russell (1997n). Systematics. Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs. P.J. Currie and K. Padian (Eds). Academic Press. pp. 704-712.
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- Ryan, M.J. and A.P. Russell. (1997l). Color. Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs. P.J. Currie and K. Padian (Eds). Academic Press. pp. 134-135.
- Russell, A.P., D.R. Rittenhouse and A.M. Bauer. (1997k). The larynx and trachea of the barking gecko Ptenopus garrulus maculatus in relation to vocalization. In Rocek, Z. and S. Hart (eds.). Herpetology _97: Abstracts of the Third World Congress of Herpetology. Prague. Page 179. (Abstract).
- Rittenhouse, D.R., A.P. Russell and A.M. Bauer. (1997j). Laryngotracheal morphology of the Uroplatus fimbriatus complex (Reptilia: Gekkonidae): yet another autapomorphic organ system in a group of highly aberrant geckos. African Journal of Herpetology 46: 36-48.
- Wu, X.-C., A.P. Russell and D.B. Brinkman. (1997i). Phylogenetic relationships of Sineoamphisbaena hexatabularis: further considerations. Can. J. Earth Sci. 34: 883-885.
- Russell, A.P. and D.R. Hall. (1997h). Coracoclavicular membranes of birds: their morphology, histology and biomechanics in relation to flight. Journal of Morphology 232: 318 (Abstract).
- Russell, A.P. and H.N. Bryant. (1997g). Claw retraction in felids: how the cheetah cheats. Journal of Morphology 232: 318 (Abstract).
- Russell, A.P. and X-C. Wu. (1997f). The Crocodylomorpha at and between geological boundaries: the Baden-Powell approach to change. Journal of Morphology 232: 318 (Abstract).
- Russell, A.P., A.M. Bauer and A. Deufel. (1997e). Translation of: Comparative Osteological Examinations of Geckonids, Eublepharids and Uroplatids, with a foreword. Herpbooks: Logan, Utah.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell (1997d). A living plesioaur?: A critical assessment of the description of Cadborosaurus willsi. Cryptozoology 12: 1-18.
- Russell, A.P., A.M. Bauer and R. Laroiya (1997c). Morphological correlates of the secondarily symmetrical pes of gekkotan lizards. Journal of Zoology 241: 767-790.
- Powell, G.L., R. Brisson and A.P. Russell. (1997b). A preliminary survey of the amphibian and turtle species of Grasslands National Park. A report submitted to Parks Canada, Grasslands National Park, Val Marie, Saskatchewan.
- James, J.D., A.P. Russell and G.L. Powell. (1997a). Status of the eastern short-horned lizard (Phrynosoma douglassii brevirostre) in Alberta. Alberta Wildlife Status Report No. 5: vi + 1-20. Alberta Environmental Protection, Wildlife Management Division, Status and Surveys Branch.
- Hamilton, I.M., A.P. Russell and G.L. Powell. (1996r). Distribution and abundance of the Canadian toad (Bufo hemiophrys) in Alberta. A report submitted to Alberta Environmental Protection, Natural Resources Services, Edmonton, Alberta.
- Bininda-Emonds, O.R.P. and A.P. Russell. (1996q). A morphological perspective on the phylogenetic relationships of the extant phocid seals (Mammalia: Carnivora: Phocidae). Bonner Zoologische Monographien 41: 1-256.
- Powell, G.L. and A.P. Russell. (1996p). A preliminary study of the eastern short-horned lizard (Phrynosoma douglassii brevirostre) in Grasslands National Park. Grasslands National Park Annual Report Vol. 1: 35-43.
- Dollahon, N.R., A.M. Bauer and A.P. Russell. (1996o). Hoemoparasitic protozoans (Plasmodiidae and Haemogregarinidae) from a New Caledonian gekkonid lizard Rhacodactylus leachianus. Canadian Journal of Zoology 74: 2104-2108.
- Bauer, A.M., A.P. Russell and G.L. Powell. (1996n). The evolution of locomotor morphology in Rhoptropus (Squamata: Gekkonidae): Functional and phylogenetic considerations. African Journal of Herpetology 45: 8-30.
- Rittenhouse, D., A.P. Russell and D. Richards. (1996m). Morphological modeling via isosurfacing: the laryngeal skeleton of gekkonid lizards as a test case. Acta Anatomica 155: 282-290.
- Wu, X-C., D.B. Brinkman and A.P. Russell. (1996l). A new alligator from the Upper Cretaceous of Canada and the relationships of early eusuchians. Palaeontology 39: 351-375.
- Hamilton, I.M., K.L. Graham, G.L. Powell and A.P. Russell. (1996k). Population survey of the long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum) in west-central and northwestern Alberta. Submitted to Fish and Wildlife, Environmental Protection. Edmonton, Alberta.
- Bryant, H.N., A.P. Russell, R. Laroiya and G.L. Powell. (1996j). Claw retraction and protraction in the Carnivora: skeletal microvariation in the phalanges of the Felidae. Journal of Morphology 229: 289-308.
- Wu, X.-C., D.B. Brinkman and A.P. Russell. (1996i). A new crocodyliform (Sunosuchus junggarensis) from the Upper Jurassic of Xinjiang, northwest China, with comments on the ontogenetic variation of its skull. Can. J. Earth Sciences 33: 606-630.
- Wu, X-C., D.B. Brinkman and A.P. Russell. (1996h). Sineoamphisbaena hexatabularis, an amphisbaenian (Diapsida: Squamata) from the Upper Cretaceous redbeds at Bayan Mandahu (Inner Mongolia, People's Republic of China) and comments on the phylogenetic relationships of the Amphisbaenia. Can. J. Earth Sciences 33: 541-577.
- Powell, G.L. and A.P. Russell. (1996g). Short-horned lizards (Phrynosoma douglassi brevirostre) in the East Block of Grasslands National Park. Submitted to Parks Canada.
- Powell, G.L. and A.P. Russell. (1996f). Alberta_s amphibians and reptiles: current research and conservation issues. pp. 253-256 in Willms, W.D. and J.F. Dormaar (Eds.) Proceedings of the Fourth Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Workshop. Provincial Museum of Alberta Natural History Occasional Paper No. 23. Edmonton, Alberta.
- Russell, A.P., G.L. Powell and D.R. Hall. (1996e). Growth and age in Alberta long-toed salamanders (Ambystoma macrodactylum krausei): a comparison of two methods of estimation. Can. J. Zool. 74: 397-412.
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- Powell, G.L. and A.P. Russell. (1996c). Movement, thermal ecology, seasonal activity, and overwintering behaviour in an Alberta population of the eastern short-horned lizard (Phrynosoma douglassi brevirostre). The 1994 Study. Submitted to Alberta Environmental Protection, Fish and Wildlife Division.
- Powell, G.L., K.L. Oseen and A.P. Russell. (1996b). Volunteer amphibian monitoring in Alberta 1992-1994: The results of the pilot project. Report submitted to Alberta Environmental Protection, Fish and Wildlife Division. February 1996.
- Powell, G.L. and A.P. Russell. (1996a). The long-toed salamander in the Bow Corridor: a preliminary report. Report submitted to Alberta Environmental Protection, Fish and Wildlife Division. January 1996.
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- Gardner, J.G., A.P. Russell and D.B. Brinkman. (1995h). Taxonomy and systematics of soft-shelled turtles (Family Trionychidae) from the Judith River Group (Upper Campanian) of North America. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 32: 631-643.
- Peng, J., D.B. Brinkman and A.P. Russell (1995g). A paleoecologic study of vertebrate microfossil assemblages from the lower Judith River Group (Campanian) of southeastern Alberta, Canada. Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biota. 185-187.
- Nelson, S.J., G.L. Powell and A.P. Russell. (1995f). Population survey of the long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum) in southwestern Alberta. Report submitted to Fish and Wildlife, Environmental Protection, Edmonton, Alberta, September 1995. 160 pp.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell. (1995e). The systematic relationships of Dravidogecko anamallensis (Günther 1875). Asiatic Herp. Res. 6: 30-35.
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- McAllister, C.T., A.M. Bauer and A.P. Russell. (1995b). Nonproliferous tetrathyridia of Mesocestoides sp. (Eucestoda: Mesocestoididea) in Ptenopus garrulus maculatus (Sauria: Gekkonidae) from Namibia, South West Africa, with a summary of the genus from Old World lizards. Journal of the Helminthological Society of Washington. 62: 94-98. (pdf)
- Bryant, H.N. and A.P. Russell. (1995a). Carnassial functioning in nimravid and felid sabertooths: theoretical basis and robustness of inferences. In: Functional Morphology in Vertebrate Paleontology, J.J. Thomason (Ed.). pp. 116-135. Cambridge University Press.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell. (1994f). Is autotomy frequency reduced in geckos with "actively functional" tails? Herpetological Natural History 2: 1-15.
- Powell, G.L. and A.P. Russell (1994e). A radiotelemetric study of movement, thermal ecology and hibernation site selection in an Alberta population of the estern short-horned lizard (Phrynosoma douglasii brevirostre). Report submitted to Alberta Environmental Protection, Fish and Wildlife Division, Lethbridge, Alberta. 132 pp.
- Gardner, J.D. and A.P. Russell (1994d). Carapacial variation among soft-shelled turtles (Testudines: Trionychidae), and its relevance to taxonomic and systematic studies of fossil taxa. Neues Jahrbuch für Paläontologie. 193: 209-244.
- Bininda-Emonds, O.R.P. and A.P. Russell (1994c). Flight style in bats as predicted from wing morphometry: the effects of specimen preservation. J. Zool. London. 234: 275-289.
- Russell, A.P. (1994b). The mammalian masticatory apparatus: an introductory comparative exercise. J. Morphol. 220: 390 (Abstract).
- Bryant, H.N. and A.P. Russell (1994a). Claw retraction in felids - the significance of skeletal microvariation. J. Morphol. 220: 329-330 (Abstract).
- Lauff, R.F., A.P. Russell and A.M. Bauer (1993x). Topography of the digital cutaneous sensilla of the Tokay, Gekko gecko (Reptilia, Gekkonidae) and their potential role in locomotion. Can. J. Zool. 71: 2462-2472.
- Bauer, A.M., A.P. Russell and R.E. Shadwick (1993w). Skin mechanics and morphology of two species of Pachydactylus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae). S. Afr. J. Zool. 28: 192-197.
- Bauer, A.M., A.P. Russell and R.E. Shadwick (1993v). Skin mechanics and morphology of the gecko Teratoscincus scincus. Amphibia-Reptilia 14: 321-331.
- Russell, A.P. (1993u). The aponeuroses of the lacertilian ankle and their relation to sprawling locomotion. Second World Congress of Herpetology Abstracts: 227-228 (Abstract).
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell (1993t). Regional integumentary loss as an antipredator strategy in lizards. Second World Congress of Herpetology Abstracts: 16-17 (Abstract).
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell (1993s). Functional, ontogenetic and phylogenetic constraints in the digital morphology of gekkonid lizards. Second World Congress of Herpetology Abstracts: 16 (Abstract).
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell (1993r). Aristelliger praesignis. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 571: 1-4.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell (1993q). Aristelliger lar. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 570: 1-3.
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- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell (1993o). Aristelliger georgeensis. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 568: 1-2.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell (1993n). Aristelliger barbouri. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 566: 1.
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- Wu, X.-C., D.B. Brinkman, A.P. Russell, Z.-M. Dong, P.J. Currie, L.-H. Hou and G.-H. Cui (1993l). The oldest known amphisbaenian from the Upper Cretaceous of Chinese Inner Mongolia. Nature (London) 366: 57-59.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer (1993k). The Amphibians and Reptiles of Alberta: A Field Guide and Primer of Boreal Herpetology. University of Calgary Press.
- Bryant, H.N., A.P. Russell and W.D. Fitch (1993j). Phylogenetic relationships within the Mustelidae (carnivora): appraisal of the cladistic status of the Simpsonian subfamilies. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 108: 301-334.
- Russell, A.P. (1993i). The aponeuroses of the lacertilian ankle. Journal of Morphology 218: 65-84. (pdf)
- Powell, G.L. and A.P. Russell (1993h). The range and status of the eastern short-horned lizard in the Canadian Prairies. Proceedings of the Third Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Workshop. The Provincial Museum of Alberta Natural History Occasional Paper 19: 278-290.
- Powell, G.L. and A.P. Russell (1993g). Monitoring amphibian populations in Alberta: are they declining? Proceedings of the Third Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Workshop. The Provincial Museum of Alberta Natural History Occasional Paper 19: 276-277.
- Bryant, H.N. and A.P. Russell (1993f). The occurrence of clavicles within Dinosauria: implications for the homology of the avian furcula and the utility of negative evidence. J. Vert. Paleo. 13: 171-184. (pdf)
- Bauer, A.M., A.P. Russell and N.R. Dollahon (1993e). Function of the mite pockets of lizards: a reply to E.N. Arnold. Can. J. Zool. 71: 865-868.
- Russell, A.P. and J.J. Thomason. (1993d). Mechanical analysis of the mammalian head skeleton. In J. Hanken and B.K. Hall (Eds.). The Skull. Vol. 3. Functional and Evolutionary Mechanisms. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 345-383.
- Bininda-Emonds, O.R.P. and A.P. Russell (1993c). Effects of preservation on wing morphometry of the little brown bat (Myotis lucifugus). Journal of Zoology 230: 141-158.
- Powell, G.L., S.J. Nelson and A.P. Russell (1993b). The Bow Valley long-toed salamander population study: a preliminary report on the 1992 field season. Report submitted to Alberta Forestry, Lands and Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife Division, Calgary, Alberta. 124 pp.
- Powell, G.L. and A.P. Russell (1993a). A radiotelemetric study of movement and thermal ecology in an Alberta population of the eastern short-horned lizard (Phrynosoma douglassii brevirostre). Report submitted to Alberta Forestry, Lands and Wildlife, Fish and Wildlife Division, Edmonton, Alberta. 74 pp.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell (1992o). The evolutionary significance of regional integumentary loss in island geckos: a complement to caudal autotomy. Ethology, Ecology and Evolution 4: 343-358.
- Bauer, A.M., J. Doherty and A.P. Russell (1992n). Vocalizations of the New Caledonian giant gecko, Rhacodactylus leachianus. Amphibia-Reptilia 13: 412-417.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell (1992m). Regional integumentary loss as an escape strategy in island gekkonid lizards. Proc. 6th Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica. Z. Korsós and I. Kiss (Eds). Budapest, Hungarian Natural History Museum. pp. 69-71.
- Russell, A.P., A.M. Bauer and R. Laroiya (1992l). Morphological correlates of the secondarily symmetrical pes of the tokay gecko (Reptilia: Gekkonidae). (Abstract). Amer. Zool. 32(5): 150A.
- Bryant, H.N. and A.P. Russell (1992k). The position of the carnassials in sabertoothed carnivorans: a test of Greaves's model. (Abstract). Amer. Zool. 32(5): 140A.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell (1992j). Caudal morphology and caudal autotomy in prehensile-tailed carphodactyline geckos. (Abstract). Amer. Zool. 32(5): 138A.
- Shadwick, R.E., A.P. Russell and R.F. Lauff (1992i). The structure and mechanical design of rhinoceros dermal armour. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Ser. B. 337: 419-428.
- Bryant, H.N. and A.P. Russell (1992h). The role of phylogenetic analysis in the inference of unpreserved attributes of extinct taxa. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Ser. B. 337:405-418.
- Bryant, H.N. and A.P. Russell (1992g). Jaw mechanics and carnassial wear in the nimravid cats Dinictis and Hoplophoneus. J. Vert. Paleo. 12, Suppl. to #3:19A-20A.
- Bininda-Emonds, O.R.P. and A.P. Russell (1992f). Effects of preservation on the morphometry of bat wings: recommendations to minimize potential problems. Collection Forum 8: 9-14.
- Powell, G.L. and A.P. Russell (1992e). Locomotor correlates of ecomorph designation in Anolis: an examination of three sympatric species from Jamaica. Canadian Journal of Zoology 70: 725-739.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer (1992d). The m. caudifemoralis longus and its relationship to caudal autotomy and locomotion in lizards. J. Zool. (Lond). 227: 127-143.
- Rosenberg, H.I., A.P. Russell and M.J. Cavey (1992c). Development of the subdigital adhesive pads of Ptyodactylus guttatus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae). J. Morphol. 211: 245-258. (pdf)
- Powell, G.L. and A.P. Russell. (1992b). A preliminary survey of the distribution and abundance of the Eastern Short-Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma douglassii brevirostre) in Alberta. Submitted to the Recreation, Parks and Wildlife Foundation, Edmonton, Alberta. February 28, 1992. pp. i-v + 135.
- Bauer, A.M., A.P. Russell and R.E. Shadwick. (1992a). Skin mechanics and morphology in Sphaerodactylus roosevelti (Reptilia: Gekkonidae). Herpetologica 48: 124-133.
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- Moore, B.A., A.P. Russell and A.M. Bauer (1991q). The structure of the larynx of the Tokay gecko (Gekko gecko) with particular reference to the vocal cords and glottal lips. J. Morphology 210: 227-238.
- Bryant, H.N. and A.P. Russell (1991p). Homologs vs. neomorphs: The role of systematics in morphological interpretation of the avian furcula. (Abstract). American Zoologist 31(5): 62A.
- Shadwick, R.E., A.P. Russell and R.F. Lauff (1991o). Structure and mechanical design of White Rhinoceros dermal armor. (Abstract). American Zoologist 31(5): 54A.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer. (1991n). Anolis opalinus. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 515: 1-2.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer. (1991m). Anolis grahami. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 514: 1-4.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer. (1991l). Anolis garmani. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 513: 1-3.
- Powell, G.L. and A.P. Russell. (1991k). Report on the 1991 search for the pygmy short-horned lizard (Phrynosoma douglassii douglassii) in the region of Osoyoos, British Columbia. Submitted to the Wildlife Branch, B.C. Environment. October 31, 1991.
- Russell, A.P. (1991j). Preparing for Winter: Migration? Resistance? Hibernation? Dinny's Digest Autumn 1991: 3-9.
- Russell, A.P. and H.N. Bryant. (1991i). The homology of the maniraptoran furcula: the phylogenetic evidence. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 11, Supplement to No. 3: 53A.
- Bryant, H.N. and A.P. Russell. (1991h). A research program for the reconstruction of unpreserved attributes in fossil vertebrates. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 11, Supplement to No. 3: 18A.
- Nicholls, E.L. and A.P. Russell. (1991g). The plesiosaur pectoral girdle: the case for a sternum. Neues Jb. Geol. Palaeont. 182: 161-185.
- Powell, G.L. and A.P. Russell. (1991f). Distribution of the eastern short-horned lizard (Phrynosoma douglassii brevirostre) in Alberta. Northwestern Naturalist. 72: 21-26.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer (1991e). Amphibians and reptiles of the Calgary area. Pica 11(2): 3-15.
- Russell, A.P. (1991d). Desert geckos - moving in the dunes. J. Alberta Amphib. Rept. Soc. 25(6): 1-11.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell. (1991c). Pedal specializations in dune dwelling geckos. J. Arid. Environ. 20: 43-62.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer (1991b). The giant gecko Hopolodactylus delcourti and its relations to gigantism and insular endemism in the Gekkonidae. (Translated by P.M. Gritis). Bull. Chicago Herp. Soc. 26: 26-30.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell. (1991a). The maximum size of giant geckos: a cautionary tale. Bull. Chicago Herp. Soc. 26: 26-30.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell. (1990m). Recent advances in the search for the living giant gecko of New Zealand. Cryptozoology 9: 66-73.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer. (1990l). Substrate excavation in the Namibian web-footed gecko, Palmatogecko rangei, and its ecological significance. Tropical Zoology 3: 197-207.
- Bauer, A.M., A.P. Russell and R.E. Shadwick. (1990k). Skin mechanics and morphology of the gecko Sphaerodactylus roosevelti. Amer. Zool. 30: 101A (Abstract)
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer. (1990j). Structure of the vocal apparatus of the tokay (Gekko gecko). Amer. Zool. 30: 78A (Abstract).
- Russell, A.P. (1990i). Letter: Reply to Green. Internat. Soc. Cryptozool. Newsletter 9: 10-11.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer. (1990h). Oedura and Afroedura (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) revisited: similarities of digital design, and constraints on the development of multiscansorial subdigital pads. Mem. Qld. Mus. 29: 473-486.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer. (1990g). Digit I in pad-bearing gekkonine geckos: alternate designs and the potential constraints of phalangeal number. Mem. Qld. Mus. 29: 453-472.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell. (1990f). Dentitional diversity in the genus Rhacodactylus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae). Mem. Qld. Mus. 29: 311-322. (pdf)
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell. (1990e). Alternative digital scansor design in the New Caledonian gekkonid genera Bavayia and Eurydactylodes. Mem. Qld. Mus. 29: 299-310.
- Nicholls, E.L. and A.P. Russell. (1990d). Paleobiogeography of the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway of North America: The Vertebrate Evidence. Paleogeog. Paleoclimatol. Paleoecol. 79: 149-169.
- Bauer, A.M., A.P. Russell and N.R. Dollahon. (1990c). Skin folds in the gekkonid lizard genus Rhacodactylus: a natural test of the damage limitation hypothesis of mite pocket function. Can. J. Zool. 68: 1196-1201.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer. (1990b). Hypertrophied phalangeal chondroepiphyses in the gekkonid lizard genus Phelsuma: their structure and relation to the adhesive mechanism. J. Zool. 221: 205-217.
- Thomason, J.J., A.P. Russell and M. Morgeli. (1990a). Forces of biting, body size, and masticatory muscle tension in the opossum Didelphis virginiana. Can. J. Zool. 68: 318-324.
- Bauer, A.M., A.P. Russell and B.D. Edgar. (1989j). Utilization of termites by gekkonid lizards near Keetmanshoop, South West Africa. S. Afr. J. Zool. 24(4): 239-243.
- Bauer, A.M., Russell, A.P. and Shadwick, R.E. (1989i). Mechanical properties and morphological correlates of fragile skin in gekkonid lizards. J. Exp. Biol. 145: 79-102.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer (1989h). Hypertrophied phalangeal epiphyses in the gekkonid lizard genus Phelsuma: a unique aid to adhesion. Ann. Soc. Roy. Zool. Belg. 119, Suppl. 1: 72 (Abstract).
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer (1989g). Ungual asymmetry in the context of pedal symmetry in Ailuronyx (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) modification for an opposable grip. J. Zool. London 218: 1-11.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer. (1989f). The morphology of the digits of the golden gecko, Calodactylodes aureus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) and its implications for the occupation of rupicolous habitats. Amphibia Reptilia 10: 125-140.
- Rosenberg, H.I., A.M. Bauer and A.P. Russell. (1989e). Surface morphology of the developing hemipenes of the dwarf chameleon, Bradypodion pumilum (Reptilia: Chamaeleonidae). Can. J. Zool. 67: 884-890.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell (1989d). Supraorbital ossifications in geckos. Can. J. Zool. 67: 678-684.
- Bauer, A.M., A.P. Russell and H.I. Rosenberg. (1989c). Formal taxa, species groups and the perception of the genus Diplodactylus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae). Zeitschrift fur Systematik und Evolutionsforschung. 27: 44-48.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell (1989b). A systematic review of the genus Uroplatus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae), with comments on its biology. J. Nat. Hist. 23: 169-203.
- Perry, S.F., A.M. Bauer, A.P. Russell, J.T. Alston and J. Maloney (1989a). Lungs of the gecko Rhacodactylus leachianus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae): a correlative gross anatomical and light and electron microscopic study. J. Morph. 199: 23-40.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell. (1988i). Evidence for the Tzuchinoko equivocal. Cryptozoology 7: 110-113.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell. (1988h). Osteological evidence for the prior occurrence of a giant gecko in Otago, New Zealand. Cryptozoology 7: 22-37.
- Bauer, A.M., A.P. Russell and R.E. Shadwick (1988g). Morphological and mechanical aspects of integumentary autotomy in the gecko Ailuronyx. Amer. Zool. 28: 194A.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer (1988f). Alternative designs of and potential constraints on the morphology of digit I in geckos. Amer. Zool. 28: 38A.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell (1988e). The morphology of gekkonid cutaneous sensilla, with comments on function and phylogeny in the Carphodactylini. Can. J. Zool. 66: 1583-1588.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer (1988d). Paraphalangeal elements of gekkonid lizards: a comparative survey. J. Morph. 197: 221-240. (pdf)
- Russell A.P., R.L. Walker and A.M. Bauer (1988c). A technique for visualization of the circulatory system in small lizards. Copeia. 1988: 797-800.
- Russell A.P. (1988b). Limb muscles in relation to lizard systematics: a reappraisal. In: R. Estes and G. Pregill (eds.). Phylogenetic Relationships of the Lizard Families: Essays Commemorating Charles L. Camp. Stanford Univ. Press. pp. 493-568.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer (1988a). An early description of a member of the genus Phelsuma (Reptilia: Gekkonidae), with comments on names erroneously applied to Uroplatus fimbriatus. Amphibia-Reptilia, 9: 107-116.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer (1987j). Caudal morphology of the knob-tailed geckos, genus Nephrurus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae), with special reference to the tail tip. Aust. J. Zool. 35: 541-551.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer (1987i). Rediscovery of Uroplatus guentheri (Reptilia: Gekkonidae). Bull. Mus. Nat. Hist. Nat. Paris. 4c Ser. 9 Sect. A. No 4: 961-966.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell (1987h). Supraocular bones in geckos. Amer. Zool. 27: 126A.
- Russell, A.P. and A.M. Bauer (1987g). Morphology of the tail tip of the gekkonid genus Nephrurus. Amer. Zool. 27: 64A.
- Russell, A.P. (1987f). The development of collections and vice versa. A review of Alberch, P. 1985. Museum collections and evolutionary study of growth and development. Pp. 29-41. In E.H. Miller (ed.). Museum Collections: Their Roles and Future in Biological Research. Occ. Pap. B.C. Prov. Mus. 25. Collection Forum 3:36.
- Russell, A.P., A.M. Bauer and R.L. Walker (1987e). Microfil injections of small vertebrates: an adjunct to clearing and staining. Collection Forum 3: 3-5.
- Bauer, A.M. and A.P. Russell (1987d). Hoplodactylus delcourti (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) and the kawekaweau of Maori folklore. J. Ethnobiology 7: 83-91. (pdf)
- Thomason, J.J. and A.P. Russell (1987c). The mechanical effects of the in vitro removal of the hard palate in a long-faced mammal (Abstract). Journal of the American Osteopathic Association 87: 781.
- Russell A.P. (1987b). Getting to grips with the world: those astounding geckos. Rotunda. 20: 7-8.
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- Russell A.P. and B.D. Curtis. (1986h). Preparation, from dissection discards, of skeletal material for teaching and display. Collection Forum 2 (2): 8-9.
- Russell A.P. (1986g). The reptiles of western North America: past glory, present challenge. Scientific proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the International Union of Directors of Zoological Gardens. Edinburgh, Scotland. pp. 23-40.
- Thomason J.J. and Russell A.P. (1986f). A general purpose plastic cage for experiments with the opossum (Didelphis virginiana). Lab. Animal. Sci. 1986: 547-549.
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- Thomason J.J. and Russell A.P. (1986d). Mechanical factors in the evolution of the mammalian secondary palate: a theoretical analysis. J. Morph. 189: 199-213.
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- Nicholls E.L. and Russell A.P. (1985f). Structural and functional aspects of the pectoral girdle and forelimb of Struthiomimus altus (Theropoda: Ornithomimidae). Palaeontology 28: 675-709.
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- Powell G.L. and Russell A.P. (1985c). Field thermal ecology of the eastern short-horned lizard (Phrynosoma douglassi brevirostre) in southern Alberta. Can. J. Zool. 63: 228-238.
- Russell A.P. (1985b). The polar wanderer (a glimpse at the life of the polar bear). Dinny's Digest, Spring 1985: 3-9.
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- Rosenberg H.I., Russell A.P. and Kapoor M. (1984b). Preliminary characterization of the defensive secretion of Diplodactylus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae). Copeia 1984: 1025-1028.
- Powell G.L. and Russell A.P. (1984a). The diet of the eastern short-horned lizard (Phrynosoma douglassi brevirostre) in Alberta and its relationship to sexual size dimorphism. Can. J. Zool. 62: 428-440.
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- Russell A.P. (1981f). Descriptive and functional anatomy of the digital vascular system of the Tokay, Gekko gecko. J. Morph. 169: 293-323.
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- Nicholls E.L. and Russell A.P. (1981b). A new specimen of Struthiomimus altus from Alberta, with comments on the classificatory characters of Upper Cretaceous ornithomimids. Can. J. Earth Sci. 18: 518-526.
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