Anne Marie McLaughlin

Dr. Anne-Marie McLaughlin

Pronouns: She/Her


Associate Professor

Faculty of Social Work, Edmonton Campus

Assistant Dean, Graduate Programs

Faculty of Social Work

CNAR Academic & Staff Coordination

Faculty of Social Work, Edmonton Campus

Contact information


Phone number

Office: +1 (780) 492-1478


Educational Background

B.A. Psychology, Queen's University, 1982

Doctor of Philosophy Social Work, The University of Calgary, 2006

Master of Social Work - Masters Individuals Families and Groups, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1984


Dr. Anne Marie McLaughlin is Associate Professor at the University of Calgary, Faculty of Social Work, and the Associate Director, Academic Central and Northern Region. Her teaching interests include Social Policy, Social Justice, the history of the profession, and Mental Health Practice. Prior to her academic career Anne Marie worked in child welfare, first as a front-line worker and later as a clinical consultant with complex multi-problem cases. She also worked extensively in the field of mental health in rural and northern communities. As the Director of a rural community mental health program for many years she sees herself as a generalist practitioner.

Anne Marie’s current research interests include the integration of social work values and principles into practice, especially social justice. She has examined how social workers think about and pursue social justice in diverse settings including mental health practice and child welfare. She is also interested in the connection between political engagement and social work education. Other research interests include rural practice and child welfare.


Areas of Research

Translation of social work values to practice


Course number Course title Semester
SOWK 632 SEC 01 S01 Social Policy & Social Justice 2021
SOWK 632 SEC 01 S01 Social Policy & Social Justice 2021
SOWK 657 SEC 01 S01 Clinical SOWK Applications 2020


Workforce perceptions of social work professionalism: What role for social justice?

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

PI: A. M. McLaughlin, Co-investigators: Erin Gray, Pat Samson, Siu Ming Kwok.


  • Aging out of care: The rural experience.. Deena Seeward; Anne-Marie M McLaughlin; Richard Alan Enns. University of Regina. 69-92. (2018)
  • Human Rights and Social Justice: Key issues and Vulnerable Populations. McLaughlin, A.M., Enns, R. Henton, J. . Rutledge. chapter 8. (2022)
  • Between Jesus and the black dog: Christian faith & depression. . Rothery, M., & McLaughlin, A.M. . Wipf & Stock.. (2021)