Ann Barcomb

Dr. Ann Barcomb

Pronouns: she/they


Assistant Professor

Schulich School of Engineering, Department of Electrical and Software Engineering

Contact information


Office: ICT352A

Preferred method of communication

Please use email to contact me. I do not listen to voicemail frequently.

I'm looking for...


I am always interested in connecting with industry and researchers for potential collaboration.


Learning opportunities

If I am looking for graduate students or undergraduate summer students, the opportunities will be posted on my website.

Research partners

I am generally interested in collaborations, especially interdisciplinary ones.



Dr. Ann Barcomb is an assistant professor at the Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary. Her previous post was at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. Dr. Barcomb received her PhD from the University of Limerick, Ireland, in 2019, with a specialization in software engineering, and a master's in information systems from Maastricht University, The Netherlands. In the course of her industry career, she worked as a software developer for multiple firms and as a community manager for RIPE NCC. From the beginning, she has been active in free/libre/open source software, organizing events, speaking at practitioner conferences, and writing for practitioner outlets. Her research is characterized by a desire to understand and generalize processes and practices within free/libre/open source software communities, to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between practitioners.


Areas of Research

Software engineering
Open source
Community management

My research falls in the area of human-computer interaction, with two main themes: improving work through software and data, and human factors in software engineering. In general I seek to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between practitioners and researchers.

Participation in university strategic initiatives


Course number Course title Semester
ENSF 380 Object-Oriented Principles for Software Development Winter
ENSF 409 Principles of Software Development Winter
ENSF 619 Software Development Using Open Source Fall
ENSF 400 Industry practices and communication WS 2024