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Dr. Angela George

Pronouns: 'She/her' in English, 'Ella' in Spanish

Contact information

For media enquiries, contact


Educational Background

B.A. Spanish, Ohio State University, 2005

M.A. Hispanic Linguistics: Second Language Acquisiton, University of Minnesota, 2009

Ph.D. Hispanic Linguistics: Second Language Acquisiton, University of Minnesota, 2013


Dr. George investigates how learners of Spanish become more competent in various contexts, such as online environments, face-to-face classes, and immersion (i.e. study abroad). This encompasses a variety of fields within Second Language Acquisition, including Sociolinguistics, Phonology and Phonetics and Pragmatics. She also investigates how learners of Spanish and first language (L1) speakers utilize and develop linguistic features that vary due to social, geographical or linguistic reasons as well as the teaching of these variable features to learners of Spanish.


Participation in university strategic initiatives


Course number Course title Semester
SPAN 201 Beginners' Spanish I
SPAN 321 Contemporary Hispanic Cultures for Heritage and Bilingual Speakers
SPAN 475 / SPAN 508 / SPAN 608 Topics Study of Language
LLAC 602 Res Methods in Applied Ling


Gender neutral and inclusive language use in Spanish

Co-PI on SSHRC Insights Development Grant, 2021-2024.

The Cultural-Learning Portfolio: Experiential Learning and Reflection in the Language Classroom

PI for University of Calgary's Taylor Institute's Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Grant, 2023-2026.


  • Emerging Teacher Award, Faculty of Arts, University of Calgary. 2020
  • Robert Roy Award, CASLT (Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers). 2021


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