PHAS Profile Andrew Yau

Andrew Yau

Contact information

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-8825


Office: SB623


Educational Background

PhD Physics, York University, 1978

BSc Physics & Applied Math, York University, 1976


Areas of Research

Advanced satellite-borne plasma instrumentation and mass spectrometry
Aeronomy + plasma composition and dynamics in planetary ionosphere, plasmasphere, and magnetosphere
Highlight of Space Research Experience
  • Mission Scientist: Canadian CASSIOPE e-POP Satellite Mission (2003-present)
  • Principal Investigator (PI): Canadian sounding rocket compaigns (3) (1983-2009)
  • PI - satellite instruments: Nozomi Thermal Plasma Analyser (TPA) (1995-2003)     
  • Akebono Suprathermal Mass Spectrometer (SMS) (1995-2001)
  • Co-I - satellite instruments: Freja Cold Plasma Analyser (CPA) (1985-1989)          
  • Akebono Suprathermal Mass Spectrometer (1984-1994)          
  • DE-1 Energetic Ion Composition Spectrometer (EICS) (1981-1988)


  • Cold Ionospheric Ions in the Magnetosphere. Andrew W Yau; Sergio Toledo-Redondo; Mats Andre. Wiley. (2019)
  • Ionospheric Ion Acceleration and Transport. Takumi Abe; Andrew W Yau; Andrew D Howarth; William K Peterson; Mats Andre. Wiley. (2019)

More Information

Journal Articles:

  • Yau, Andrew, Howarth, Andrew, White, Andrew Stuart, Enno, Greg and Amerl, Peter. "Imaging and Rapid-Scanning Ion Mass Spectrometer (IRM) for the CASSIOPE e-POP Mission". Space Science Reviews 189.1 (2015): 41-63. Print.
  • Yau, Andrew, Howarth, Andrew, Peterson, W.K. and Abe, Takumi. "Transport of Thermal-energy Ionospheric Oxygen (O+) Ions between the Ionosphere and the Plasma Sheet and Ring Current at Quiet Times Preceding Magnetic Storms". Journal of Geophysical Research 117. (2012). Print.
  • Yau, Andrew, Abe, T. and Peterson, W.K.. "The polar wind: recent observations". Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 69. (2007): 1936-1983. Print.
  • Yau, Andrew and Andre, M.. "Source processes in the high latitude ionosphere". Space Science Reviews 80. (2007): 1-25. Print.
  • Yau, Andrew, Whalen, B.A., Abe, T., Mukai, T., Oyama, K.I. and Chang, T.. "Akebono observations of electron temperature anisotropy in the polar wind". Journal of Geophysical Research 100. (1995): 17451-17463. Print.
  • Yau, Andrew, Shelley, E.G., Peterson, W.K. and Lenchyshyn, L.. "Energetic auroral and polar ion outflow at DE-1 altitudes: magnitude, composition, magnetic activity dependence, and long-term variations". Journal of Geophysical Research 90. (1985): 8417-8432. Print.
  • Yau, Andrew, Whalen, B.A., McNamara, A.G., Kellogg, P.J. and Berstein, W.. "Particle and wave observations of low-altitude ionosphere ion acceleration events". Journal of Geophysical Research 88. (1983): 341-355. Print.

Journal Articles - Peer Reviewed:

  • Yau, Andrew. "List of Peer-Reviewed Publications: Andrew W. Yau, 2015". List of Peer-Reviewed Publications: Andrew W. Yau, 2015, (2015). Print.