Alex Brudnyi

Alex Brudnyi

Contact information


Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 220-6486


Office: MS536


Educational Background

PhD Mathematics, Technion-Israel Institute Tech, 1996

BSc Mathematics, Yaroslavl University, 1986


Course number Course title Semester
ACSC 600A Research Seminar Fall
MATH 545 Analysis III Fall
MATH 600A.1 Research Seminar (Research Seminar 2015) Fall
MATH 603 MATH 603 Fall
STAT 600A.1 Research Seminar (Research Seminar 2015) Fall
MATH 413 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations Winter
MATH 413 Introduction to Partial Differential Equations Winter
MATH 518 Honours Thesis Winter


  • Established Career Research Excellence Award (Faculty of Science)- Nomination, University of Calgary. 2019
  • Market Supplement, University of Calgary. 2004

More Information



  • Brudnyi, Alex and Brudnyi, Yuri. Methods of Geometric Analysis in Lipschitz extension and trace problems, Volume I Basel: Monographs in Mathematics, Springer, 2011. 560 pps. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex and Brudnyi, Yuri. Methods of Geometric Analysis in Lipschitz extension and trace problems, Volume II Basel: Monographs in Mathematics, Springer, 2011. 433 pps. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. Inequalities for entire functions 15. Bar-Ilan Univ., 2001. 47-66. Print.

Conference proceedings

  • Brudnyi, Alex. Stein-like theory for Banach-valued holomorphic functions on the maximal ideal space of H^\infty and the operator corona problem of Sz.-Nagy 2013.

Journal article

  • Brudnyi, Alex. "A Rolle type theorem for cyclicity of zeros of family of analytic functions". Israel J. Math., 206 (2015): 95-107. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "On the completion problem for algebra H∞". J. Funct. Anal. 266. (2014): 4293-4313. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Moments finiteness problem and characterization of universal centers of ODEs with analytic coefficients". Nonlinearity 27. (2014): 1611-1631. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Differential relations on weak Markov sets". C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Soc. R. Can. 36. (2014): 1-14. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Corona problem for H∞ on Riemann surfaces". Fields Institute Communications 72. (2014): 31-45. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Lq norm inequalities for analytic functions revisited". undefined 179. (2014): 24-32. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Banach spaces of polynomials as “large” subspaces of l∞-spaces". J. Funct. Anal. 267. (2014): 1285-1290. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Stein-like theory for Banach-valued holomorphic functions on the maximal ideal space of H∞". Invent. Math. 193.1 (2013): 187-227. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Holomorphic Banach vector bundles on the maximal ideal space of H∞ and the operator corona problem of Sz.-Nagy". Adv. Math. 232. (2013): 121-141. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "On characterization of universal centers of ODEs with analytic coefficients". C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Soc. R. Can. 35.4 (2013): 137-147. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Composition conditions for classes of analytic functions". Nonlinearity 25. (2012): 3197–3209. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "On the approximation property for Banach spaces predual to H^\infty-spaces". Journal of Functional Analysis 263.9 (2012): 2863–2875. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Banach-valued holomorphic functions on the maximal ideal space of H^\infty". C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 33.4 (2011): 97-106. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex, Rodman, Leiba and Spitkovsky, Ilya. "Non-denseness of factorable matrix functions". J. Functional Analysis 261.7 (2011): 1969--1991. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex and Brudnyi, Yuri. "Traces of Ck functions to weak Markov subsets of Rn". St. Petersburg J. Math 23. (2011): 1--19. Print.
  • Kinzebulatov, Damir and Brudnyi, Alex. "On holomorphic almost periodic functions on coverings of complex manifolds". New York J. Math 17. (2011): 1--34. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex, Rodman, Leiba and Spitkovsky, Ilya. "Factorization versus invertibility of matrix functions on compact abelian groups". Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 218. (2011): 225-239. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "On covering numbers of sublevel sets of analytic functions". J. Approx. Theory 162. (2010): 72-93. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex, Bos, Len and Levenberg, Norm. "On polynomial inequalities on exponential curves in C^n". Constr. Approx. 31.1 (2010): 139-147. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex and Kinzebulatov, Damir. "Holomorphic semi-almost periodic functions". Integral Equations Operator Theory 66.3 (2010): 293-325. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex and Kinzebulatov, Damir. "On algebras of holomorphic functions with semi-almost periodic boundary values". C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Soc. R. Can. 32.1 (2010): 1-12. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex, Rodman, Leiba and Spitkovsky, Ilya M.. "Projective free algebras of continuous functions on compact abelian groups". J. Funct. Anal. 259.4 (2010): 918-932. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex and Yomdin, Yosef. "Tree composition condition and moments vanishing". Nonlinearity 23.7 (2010): 1651-1673. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Some algebraic aspects of the center problem for ordinary differential equations". Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst., 9 (2010): 9--28. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Holomorphic L^p functions on coverings of strongly pseudoconvex manifolds". Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 137. (2009): 227-234. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex and Sasane, Amol. "Sufficient conditions for the projective freeness of Banach algebras". Journal of Functional Analysis 257. (2009): 4003-4014. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Free subgroups of the group of formal power series and the center problem for ODEs". C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 31.4 (2009): 97-106. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Center problem for ODEs with coefficients generating the group of rectangular paths". C. R. Math. Rep. Acad. Sci. Canada 31.2 (2009): 33-44. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "On local behavior of holomorphic functions along complex submanifolds of C^N". Inventiones Mathematicae 173.2 (2008): 315-363. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Vanishing of higher-order moments on Lipschitz curves". Bull. sci. Math. 132. (2008): 165-181. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Formal paths, iterated integrals and the center problem for ODEs". Bull. sci. Math. 132. (2008): 455-485. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex and Brudnyi, Yuri. "Linear and nonlinear extensions of Lipschitz functions from subsets of metric spaces". St. Petersburg J. Math. 19.3 (2008): 397-406. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex and Kinzebulatov, Damir. "On uniform subalgebras of L^\infty on the unit circle generated by almost periodic functions". St. Petersburg J. Math. 19.4 (2008): 495-518. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Hartogs type theorems for CR L^2 functions on coverings of strongly pseudoconvex manifolds". Nagoya Math. J. 189. (2008): 27-47. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Corona theorem for coverings of Riemann surfaces of finite type". Michigan Math. J. 56. (2008): 283-299. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "An algebraic approach to the center problem for ODEs". Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications 2.3 (2008): 127-132. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex and Brudnyi, Yuri. "Metric spaces with linear extensions preserving Lipschitz condition". Amer. J. Math. 129. (2007): 217-314. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "On holomorphic functions of slow growth on coverings of strongly pseudoconvex manifolds". J. Funct. Anal. 249.2 (2007): 354-371. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "On holomorphic L^2 functions on coverings of strongly pseudoconvex manifolds". Publications of RIMS, Kyoto University 43. (2007): 963-976. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex and Brudnyi, Yuri. "A universal Lipschitz extension property for Gromov hyperbolic spaces". Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana 23.3 (2007): 861-896. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex and Brudnyi, Yuri. "Remez type inequalities and Morrey-Campanato spaces on Ahlfors regular sets". Contemporary Mathematics 445. (2007): 19-44. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "On center sets of ODEs determined by moments of their coefficients". Bull. sci. Math. 130. (2006): 33-48. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "On the center problem for ordinary differential equations". Amer. J. Math. 128.2 (2006): 419-451. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Representation of holomorphic functions on coverings of pseudoconvex domains in Stein manifolds via integral formulas on these domains". J. Funct. Anal. 231. (2006): 418-437. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Holomorphic functions of slow growth on coverings of pseudoconvex domains in Stein manifolds". Compositio Math. 142. (2006): 1018-1038. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex and Brudnyi, Yuri. "Local inequalities for multivariate polynomials and plurisubharmonic functions". In Frontiers in Interpolation and Approximation, (2006): 17-32. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Hartogs type theorems on coverings of Stein manifolds". Internat. J. Math. 17.3 (2006): 339-349. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Geometry of Banach spaces predual to H^\infty and corona problem". RIMS Kokyuroku, (2006). Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex and Brudnyi, Yuri. "Extension of Lipschitz functions defined on metric spaces of homogeneous type". Rev. Mat. Complut. 19.2 (2006): 347-359. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Graphs of zeros of families of analytic functions". Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357.5 (2005): 1859-1875. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex and Brudnyi, Yuri. "Simultaneous Lipschitz extensions". Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 60.6 (2005): 53-72. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Contractibility of maximal ideal spaces of certain algebras of almost periodic functions". Integral Equations and Operator Theory 52. (2005): 595-598. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Holomorphic functions of slow growth on coverings of strongly pseudoconvex manifolds". Proc. of Hayama Simpos., (2005). Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Projections in the space H^\infty and the corona theorem for subdomains of coverings of finite bordered Riemann surfaces". Arkiv f\"or Matematik 42.1 (2004): 31-59. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Grauert- and Lax-Halmos-type theorems and extension of matrices with entries in H^\infty". Journal of Functional Analysis 206.1 (2004): 87-108. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "An explicit expression for the first return map in the center proble". J. Differential Equations 206. (2004): 306-314. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "An algebraic model for the center problem". Bull. sci. Math. 128. (2004): 839-857. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "A uniqueness property for H^infty on coverings of projective manifolds". The Michigan Mathematical Journal 51.3 (2003): 503-507. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Solvable quotients of K\"ahler groups". The Michigan Mathematical Journal 51.3 (2003): 477-490. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Solvable matrix representations of K\"ahler groups". Differential Geometry and its Applications 19.2 (2003): 167-191. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "A Jensen inequality for a family of analytic functions and an estimate for the average number of limit cycles". The Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 35.2 (2003): 229-235. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Cyclicity of zeros of families of analytic functions". Geometric and Functional Analysis 13.6 (2003): 1161-1188. Print.
  • Bos, Len, Brudnyi, Alex, Levenberg, N. and Totik, V.. "Tangential Markov inequalities on transcendental curves". Constructive Approximation. An International Journal for Approximations and Expansions 19.3 (2003): 339-354. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Topology of the maximal ideal space of H^\infty". Journal of Functional Analysis 189.1 (2002): 21-52. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "The distribution of values of generalized exponential polynomials on convex sets". New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 31.2 (2002): 131-136. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "On a BMO-property for subharmonic functions". The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 8.6 (2002): 603-612. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Holomorphic functions of exponential growth on abelian coverings of a projective manifold". Compositio Mathematica 127.1 (2001): 69-81. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Bernstein type inequalities for quasipolynomials". Journal of Approximation Theory 112.1 (2001): 28-43. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Small amplitude limit cycles and the distribution of zeros of families of analytic functions". Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 154.2 (2001): 227-243. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex and Onishchik, A. L.. "Triangular de Rham cohomology of compact K\"ahler manifolds". Mat. Sb. 112. (2001): 28-43. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Matrix-valued corona theorem for multiply connected domains". Indiana University Mathematics Journal 49.4 (2000): 1405-1410. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "On local behavior of analytic functions". Journal of Functional Analysis 169.2 (1999): 481-493. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Classification theorem for a class of flat connections and representations of K\"ahler groups". The Michigan Mathematical Journal 46.3 (1999): 489-514. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Cartwright type theorems for a class of plurisubharmonic functions". Indiana University Mathematics Journal 48.2 (1999): 365-384. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Local inequalities for plurisubharmonic functions". Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 149.2 (1999): 511-533. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "Holomorphic functions of polynomial growth on abelian coverings of a compact complex manifold". Communications in Analysis and Geometry 6.3 (1998): 485-510. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "A Bernstein-type inequality for algebraic functions". Indiana University Mathematics Journal 46.1 (1997): 93-116. Print.
  • Brudnyi, Alex. "On Euclidean domains". Communications in Algebra 21.9 (1993): 3327-3336. Print.

PhD thesis

  • Brudnyi, Alex. ∂-bar-equations on compact Kahler manifolds and representations of fundamental groups 1995.