profile pic

Dr. Aleem Bharwani



Associate Professor

Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Community Health Sciences

Academic Director, UCalgary Pluralism Initiative

Vice President Research Office

Director, Public Policy and Partnerships

Cumming School of Medicine, Indigenous, Local and Global Health Office

One Child Every Child Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Co-Facilitator

University of Calgary

Child Health & Wellness Researcher

Alberta Children's Hospital Research Institute

Contact information

Phone number

Office: +1 (403) 210-6196

For media enquiries, contact

Kelly Johnston
Senior Communications Specialist

Please submit your media request here



Educational Background

B.Sc. Medical Sciences, University of Alberta, 2003

Doctor of Medicine (Special Training in Research), University of Alberta, 2004

Master of Public Policy Non-Profit and Public Administration, Harvard Kennedy School, 2010


Areas of Research

Pluralism, Inclusive Governance, Social Innovation, Track Two Diplomacy

Participation in university strategic initiatives


UCalgary Pluralism Initiative

Inclusive Governance Project

Diplomacy Platform


  • Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal, Recognises service to Canada; recognised for contributions to pluralism and global citizenship. 2023
  • Associate Dean’s Letter of Excellence for Lecturing, Undergraduate Medical Education, University of Calgary, Recognises excellence in teaching to pre-clerkship medical students. 2023
  • Bronze Award, Undergraduate Medical Education, University of Calgary, Recognises surpassing a threshold of direct teaching hours. 2023
  • Gold Star, Undergraduate Medical Education, University of Calgary, Recognises outstanding teaching to pre-clerkship medical students. 2023
  • Associate Dean’s Letter of Excellence for Lecturing, Undergraduate Medical Education, University of Calgary, Recognises excellence in teaching to pre-clerkship medical students. 2022
  • Bronze Award, Undergraduate Medical Education, University of Calgary, Recognises surpassing a threshold of direct teaching hours. 2022
  • Teaching Honor Roll Award, Undergraduate Medical Education, University of Calgary, Recognises outstanding teaching to the 2023 MD Class. 2022
  • Associate Dean’s Letter of Excellence for Lecturing, Undergraduate Medical Education, University of Calgary, Recognises excellence in teaching to pre-clerkship medical students. 2021
  • Bronze Award, Undergraduate Medical Education, University of Calgary, Recognises surpassing a threshold of direct teaching hours. 2021
  • Leader Award, Responsible Leaders Network, The BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt, Supports leaders who go beyond their professional and personal duties to work towards social change within and between societies – across communities, cultures, and countries. 2020
  • Fellow Award, Royal College of Physicians of London, Recognizes a candidate who has made an out-of-the-ordinary contribution to undergraduate or postgraduate medical education or has made significant impact on the service in the field of their appointment. 2020
  • Cumming School of Medicine Alumnus of Distinction Award for Excellence in Education, University of Calgary, Recognises outstanding contribution to Education by an alumnus. 2019
  • Award for Resident Mentorship 2-4 Year Programs, Appreciation Award, Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME), Recognises the outstanding contribution of a faulty member who serves as a mentor, role model, an/or advocates for residents. 2019
  • Gold Star Teaching Award, Undergraduate Medical Education, University of Calgary, Recognises the contributions and teaching in the Internal Medicine Clerkship, the award is intended to recognize and appreciate preceptors who go “above and beyond” when teaching throughout the Clerkship rotation. 2019
  • Lynn McIntyre Award, O’Brien Institute for Public Health, Recognises significant service to the O’Brien Institute for Public Health; e.g. strategy, diplomacy, negotiations, on behalf of or in service to the Institute (2017-2018). 2018
  • Mentor of the Year Award, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RAC-1), Recognises significant impact on the career development of trainees; demonstrated skills as manager, scholar, and professional. 2016
  • Leader of the Year Award, Society of General Internal Medicine, Recognises skills in leadership in any number of areas of academic medicine, including clinical, educational, research or administrative efforts among international SGIM membership (first and only Canadian winner). 2015
  • Resident Well Being Award, Professional Association of Residents of Alberta (PARA), Outstanding contributions made to resident well-being by a physician. 2014
  • Teaching Award for Clerkship, Department of Medicine, University of Calgary, Excellence in teaching to medical students in clinical training. 2014
  • Benevolent Heart Award, Department of Medicine, University of Calgary, Excellence in service to community. 2014
  • Silver Tongue Teaching Award, Department of Medicine, University of Calgary, Outstanding teaching to internal medicine residents. 2013
  • Associate Dean Letter of Excellence in Teaching, Undergraduate Medical Education, University of Calgary, Excellence in teaching to medical students. 2012
  • Teaching Honor Roll Award, Undergraduate Medical Education, University of Calgary, Outstanding teaching to the 2012 MD class. 2012
  • Gold Star Teaching Award, Undergraduate Medical Education, University of Calgary. 2011
  • Students Union Teaching Excellence Award, University of Calgary. 2010
  • Joseph E. Johnson Leadership Award, American College of Physicians, Awarded annually for exceptional leadership and contributions to the field to one member of the 152,000 international members of the American College of Physicians. 2009
  • Buchanan Scholar, Clinical Scholar , Harvard (2008-2010) Full Tuition, Fees and Stipend Scholarship. 2008
  • Top 40 Under 40, City of Calgary (population 1 million). 2008
