Adam Pidlisecky
Associate Professor
Faculty of Science, Department of Earth, Energy, and Environment
Contact information
Phone number
Office: +1 (403) 220-6679
Educational Background
PhD Geophysics, Stanford University, 2006
MSc Geophysics, Stanford University, 2004
BSc (Hons) Geophysics and Geology, University of British Columbia, 2000
Course number | Course title | Semester |
GOPH 565 | Environmental Applications of Geophysics | Winter |
- Associate Department Head - Research, 2015
- Co-director - GEM Center, Stanford Univiersity, 2015
- Associate Department Head -Research, 2014
- Co-director - GEM Center, Stanford Univiersity, 2014
- Associate Department Head - Research, 2013
- Co-director, 2013
- Co-director - GEM Center, Stanford Univiersity, 2013
- Visiting Cox Professor Stanford University, 2013
- Cox Research Fellowship, 2012
- Environment & Engineering geophysical society/Geonics Early Career Award, 2012
- Outstanding research award, 2012
- Blaustein Visting Assistant Professor, Stanford University, 2011
- Visiting Assistant Professor, 2010
More Information
Nenna, V. and Pidlisecky, A.. (2012). Using Wavelets To Identify Cultural Noise In Airborne Time-Domain Electromagnetic Data. In revision for Geophysics MS#GEO-2012-0363
Mawer, C., Kitanidis, P., Pidlisecky, A., and Knight, R. (2012). Electrical Resistivity For Characterization And Infiltration Monitoring Of A Managed Aquifer Recharge Pond. Vadoze Zone Journal In Press. MS#V11-0203
Pidlisecky, A., Cockett, A. R. and Knight, R. (2012). The Development of Electrical Conductivity Probes for Studying Vadose Zone Processes: Advances in Data Acquisition and Analysis. Vadoze Zone Journal, doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0073.
Nenna, V., Pidlisecky, A., and Knight, R. (2011). Application Of An Extended Kalman Filter Approach To Inversion Of Time-lapse Electrical Resistivity Imaging Data For Monitoring Infiltration. Water Resources Research doi:10.1029/2010WR010120. 13pp.
Pidlisecky, A., Singha, K, and Day-Lewis, F.D, R. (2011). A Distribution-Based Parametrization For Improved Tomographic Imaging Of Solute Plumes. Geophysical Journal International, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2011.05131.x 11pp.
Hayley, K., Bentley, L.R. and Pidlisecky, A. (2011). Simultaneous Time-lapse Electrical Resistivity Inversion. Journal of Applied Geophysics, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2011.06.035 11pp.
Nenna, V., Pidlisecky, A., and Knight, R. (2011). Informed Experimental Design For Electrical Resistivity Imaging. Near-surface Geophysics, doi:10.3997/1873l0604.2011027 14pp.
Langston,G., Bentley, L.R. Hayashi, M., Mcclymont, A., and Pidlisecky, A. (2011). Internal Structure And Hydrological Functions Of An Alpine Proglacial Moraine. Hydrologic Processes, doi:10.1002/hyp.8144 16pp.
Pidlisecky, A., and Haines, S.S. (2011). A Bayesian Approach For Determining Velocity And Uncertainty Estimates From Seismic Cone Penetrometer Testing Or Vertical Seismic Profiling Data. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, doi:10.1139/T11-012 9pp.
Pidlisecky, A., and Knight, R. (2011). The Use of Wavelet Analysis to Derive Infiltration Rates from Time-lapse One-Dimensional Resistivity Records. Vadose Zone, doi:10.2136/vzj2010.0049. 9pp.
Hayley, K., Bentley, L.R. and Pidlisecky, A. (2010). Compensating For Temperature Variations In Time-Lapse Electrical Resistivity Difference Imaging. Geophysics, doi: 10.1190/1.3478208 8pp.
Haines, S. S., Pidlisecky, A. and Knight, R. (2009). Hydrogeologic Structure Underlying A Recharge Pond Delineated With Shear-Wave Seismic Reflection And Cone Penetrometer Data. Near Surface Geophysics, doi: 10.3997/1873-0604.2009036. 11pp.
Singha, K., Pidlisecky, A., Day-Lewis, F.D., and Gooseff, M.N., (2008). Electrical Characterization Of Non-Fickian Transport In Groundwater And Hyporheic Systems. Water Resources Research, doi:10.1029/2008WR007048. 14pp.
Pidlisecky, A., and Knight, R., (2008). FW2_5D: A MATLAB 2.5-D Electrical Resistivity Modeling Code. Computers & Geosciences, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2008.04.001 10pp.
Pidlisecky, A., Haber, E., and Knight, R. (2007). RESINVM3D: A MATLAB 3-D Resistivity Inversion Package, Geophysics, doi:10.1190/1.2402499 10pp.
Pidlisecky, A., R. Knight, and Haber, E. (2006). Cone-based Electrical Resistivity Tomography, Geophysics, doi: 10.1190/1.2213205 11pp.
Mitchell, V., Pidlisecky, A., and Knight, R. (2010). Inversion Of Time-lapse Electrical Resistivity Imaging Data For Monitoring Infiltration. 80th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded Abstracts, doi:10.1190/1.3513225 4pp.
USPTO Application #: 20100324414 (USA)
App. date: 01/17/2012, Date granted: Pending
Title: Assessing Stress Strain And Fluid Pressure In Strata Surrounding A Borehole Based On Borehole Casing Resonance.
Inventors: A. St-Onge, D. Eaton and A. Pidlisecky
USPTO Application #: 20100324414 (USA)
App. date: 08/30/2010, Date granted: Pending
Title: Catheter Tracking And Endocardium Representation Generation.
Inventors: D. Harlev and A. Pidlisecky
USPTO Application #: 20080190438 (USA)
App. date: 02/08/2007, Date granted: Pending
Title: Impedance Registration and Catheter tracking.
Inventors: D. Harlev and A. Pidlisecky
Mitchell, V., Pidlisecky, A., and Knight, R. (2011). Inversion Of Time-lapse Electrical Resistivity Imaging Data For Monitoring Infiltration. The Leading Edge, doi:10.1190/1.3555323 5pp. INVITED
Knight, R., and Pidlisecky, A. (2005). Cone-based Geophysical Imaging; A Proposed Solution To A Challenging Problem. The Leading Edge, doi:10.1190/1.1859698. 5pp. INVITED
Pidlisecky, A. and Moran, T. (2012) Geophysics for improved groundwater management - a demonstration of the value added. AGU Fall Meeting. INVITED
Nenna, V. and Pidlisecky, A. (2012) Application of Spatial Continuous Wavelet Transforms to Identify Noise in Regional Airborne Electromagnetic Data. AGU Fall Meeting.
Mawer, C., Kitanidis, P., Pidlisecky, A., and Knight, R. (2012) Using electrical resistivity to characterize the unsaturated zone and monitor infiltration for improving managed aquifer recharge. SEG – Hydrogeophysics Workshop, Boise ID, 2012
Pidlisecky, A. (2012) Geophysics for Improved Understanding, Design, and Operation of Managed Aquifer Recharge. SAGEEP, 2012, Tucson, Az. INVITED
Hansen, B., and Pidlisecky, A. (2012) Numerical Modeling To Assess The Impact Of Positional Errors During The Acquisition Of Waterborne Continuous Resistivity measurements. SAGEEP, 2012, Tucson, Az
Ernst, E., Pidlisecky, A., Bentley, L.R., and Andriashek, L. (2011) Limitations on the Quantitative Analysis of Time Domain Electromagnetic (TEM) Inversion due to Uncertainty in Data Scaling. EOS Trans. AGU 91(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract H43E-1264.
Pidlisecky, A and Knight, R. (2011). Innovations in 1-D Time-lapse Resistivity Monitoring: Gaining Insights into Processes at a Managed Aquifer Recharge Site. Novcare Conference 2011, Cape Cod, MA, May 9-12, 2011
Ferguson, R., Pidlisecky, A and Rowel, C. (2011). Shot Record Depth Migration of Georadar Data. Geophysical Research Abs. Vol.13, EGU2011-9517, 2011. INVITED
Ernst, E., Pidlisecky, A., and Bentley, L.R., (2011). Groundwater Resource Analysis in Alberta Using Time Domain Airborne EM Measurements. Canadian Geophysical Union - Hydrology Section Annual Student Meeting, Prairies Region, Calgary AB
Hayley, K., Bentley, L.R. and Pidlisecky, A. (2010). Time-lapse Resistivity Monitoring - Two New Approaches for Imaging the Evolution of a Conductive Contaminant. EOS Trans. AGU 91(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract. NS11A-1156.
Mitchell, V., Pidlisecky, A., and Knight, R. (2010). Electrical Resistivity Imaging for Studying Dynamics of Vadose Zone Processes. EOS Trans. AGU 91(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract. : H13G-05.
Swanson, R. D., Singha, K., Pidlisecky, A., Hyndman, D., Butler, J., and Bohling, G. (2010). A Geoelectrically-monitored Tracer Test at the Macrodispersion Experiment (MADE) Site in Columbus, Mississippi. EOS Trans. AGU 91(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract. H23C-1193.
Cockett, R., Pidlisecky, A., and Knight, R. (2010). Long-term Monitoring of Infiltration at a Managed Aquifer Recharge Site Using Electrical Resistivity Probes. EOS Trans. AGU 91(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract. H23C-1194.
Pidlisecky, A., Singha, K, and Day-Lewis, F.D, R., (2010). A Distribution-Based Parameterization for Difference Tomography of Solute Plumes. EOS Trans. AGU 91(52), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract. H13G-08.
Rowell, C., Pidlisecky, A, Irving, J. and Ferguson, R.J., (2010). Characterization of Lava Tubes Using Ground Penetrating Radar at Craters Of The Moon National Monument, Idaho, USA. 2010 Annual CREWES Report.
Ferguson, R.J., and Pidlisecky, A. (2010). Single-Channel PSDM and Non-Stationary Processing of GPR Data. 2010 Annual CREWES Report
Rowell, C., Pidlisecky, A, Irving, J. and Ferguson, R.J., (2010). Imaging Lava Tubes Using Ground Penetrating Radar. 2010 Undergraduate research symposium, Univ. of Calgary, Calgary, AB.
Cockett, A.R., and Pidlisecky, A. (2010). Correlating Electrical Conductivity to Unconsolidated Sediment Parameters using Numerical Modeling. 2010 Rising Stars of Research Undergraduate Research Competition, UBC, Vancouver B.C.
Hayley, K., Bentley, L.R. and Pidlisecky, A. (2010). Time-lapse Electrical Resistivity Monitoring of Salt Impacted Soil And Groundwater. GeoCanada May, 2010
Cockett, A.R., and Pidlisecky, A. (2009). Numerical Modeling of Unconsolidated Sediments to Explore Relationships Between Electrical Conductivity and Hydrogeologic Parameters at The Pore-Scale. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NS31B-1166
Mitchell, V., Pidlisecky, A., Knight, R., Jenni, S., Will, B. and Lear, J., (2009). Integration of Geologic and Geophysical Data to Model Hydrostratigraphy Under A Recharge Pond for Aquifer Storage and Recovery. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., H43C-1045
Eaton, D.W., Pidlisecky A., Ferguson, R.J. and Hall, K.W. (2009). Absolute Strain Determination from a Calibrated Seismic Field Experiment. 2009 Annual CREWES report.
Cockett, A.R., and Pidlisecky, A. (2009). Numerical Modeling of Unconsolidated Sediments to Explore Relationships Between Electrical Conductivity and Hydrogeologic Parameters at The Pore-Scale. 2009 Undergraduate research symposium, Univ. of Calgary, Calgary, AB. *Received Students' Union Best Honours Project Award
Pidlisecky, A., and Knight, R. (2008). Temperature Dependence of Electrical Resistivity Measurements: A Useful Infiltration Tracer? Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H42D-06
Mitchell, V., Pidlisecky, A., and Knight, R. (2008). Rational Experimental Design of Electrical Resistivity Imaging Surveys. Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., NS43B-1183 *Received NS Section outstanding student poster award.
Pidlisecky, A. and Knight, R. (2008). Exploiting The Temperature Dependence Of Electrical Resistivity Measurements To Monitor Infiltration. National Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, TX: GSA Abstracts with Programs.
Singha, K., Day-Lewis, F.D., Pidlisecky, A. and Gooseff, M. N. (2008). Characterization of Non-Fickian Transport in Ground-water and Hyporheic Systems Using Electrical Geophysics, National Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America, Oct. 5-9, 2008, Houston, TX: GSA Abstracts with Programs.
Knight, R., and Pidlisecky, A. (2007). The Support Volume of Geophysical Measurement: How and Why to Define It. EOS Trans. AGU 87(36), Spring Meet. Suppl. NS23A-04. INVITED
Day-Lewis, F.D., Singha, K., and Pidlisecky, A. (2006). Infusing Hydrologic Insight Into Geophysical Inversion: Moment- and Object-Based Parameterization. EOS Trans. AGU 86 (47), Fall Meet. Suppl. Abstract H13C-1349. INVITED
Pidlisecky, A., Knight, R. and Haber,E. (2005). Cone-based Electrical Resistivity Tomography. Eos Trans. AGU, 86 (18), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract NS12A-06. *Received NS Section outstanding student poster award.
Pidlisecky, A., and Knight, R. (2004). The Use of Cone-based Electrical Resistivity Tomography to Image Conductive Contaminants. Eos Trans. AGU, 85 (17), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract NS23A-06.
Pidlisecky., A. Knight., R.J. and Haber., E., (2003). An assessment of the feasibility of a cone penetrometer based resistivity imaging system. SAGEEP, 2003 San Antonio, TX
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