Picture of Aamir Jamal

Dr. Aamir Jamal



Associate Professor - International Social Development

Faculty of Social Work, Calgary Campus

Lead, MSW - International Social Development Specialization

Faculty of Social Work

Director, Global Engagement and International Partnerships

Faculty of Social Work

Contact information

Web presence

Phone number

Office : +1 (403) 220-7324


Office : MacKimmie TowerMT328


Educational Background

PhD Social Work - International Social Development, University of Calgary, 2013

M.B.A. Human Resources Management, Adelphi University, 2002

M.B.A. Management, University of Management and Technology, Lahore, 1996

Master of Science ( MSc) Horticulture, NWFP Agricultural University, 1993


Dr. Aamir Jamal is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Calgary. He carries two Administrative roles as Director, of Global Engagement and International Partnerships and as the Lead of International Community Development (ICD) Specialization at the Faculty of Social Work. With a unique background that combines a PhD in Social Work (International Social Development) from the University of Calgary, MBA from Adelphi University, New York, and over 25 years of experience in international social development, Dr. Jamal brings a valuable blend of knowledge and experience to research, policy and practice.

He is a world-class expert in the sphere of men’s engagement in gender justice, prevention of violence against women, and girls' education in the global south. He has produced a significant body of research that has informed policy and practice for national governments and international agencies. His research emerges from a strong social justice perspective and is focused primarily on these areas: Men and masculinities; engaging men in gender justice and violence against women and girls (WAWG) prevention; the effectiveness of International NGOs in the development sector; and Canadian Muslim youth, identity construction, mental health and wellbeing. Dr. Jamal’s work has been published in prestigious scholarly journals and presented at conferences and community events across the globe. He is a regular keynote speaker at academic institutions and community organizations and is frequently interviewed by national and international media outlets. His work, which is based on community-based, decolonial, and transnational approaches blended with a strong social justice perspective, has informed policy and practice for national governments and international agencies.

He is most recognized for his published book “The Gatekeepers: Engaging Pashtun Men for gender justice and girls’ education in Pakistan”, translated into Urdu and will be available in Pashto language in 2025.  In this seminal work, Dr. Jamal has created a strong foundation for a new dialogue on “Men engagement in Gender Justice and violence prevention” in the Pashtun region of Pakistan and Afghanistan. This emerging social movement is effectively raising critical consciousness among communities and developing a sense of discontent about existing rigid gender norms and injustices in the region. His work has made a significant contribution in shifting local attitudes and cultural perspectives, involved communities directly in addressing gender-based violence, and influenced and promoted social justice and transformation through formal government and societal approaches.

His service to the profession and the international community was recognized with prestigious awards, including the City of Calgary International Achievement Award (2021), the Arch Award for International Career Achievement (2022), and the Sustainability Award for Faculty Research (2022).


Areas of Research

International Social Development
Gender Justice
Immigrants and Refugees
Muslim Youth Identity and Well Being
Ethno-Cultural and Racialized Groups
Men and Masculinities
Human Service Organizations and Systems
Prevention of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)

Funded Research – (Selected External Grants)
2023-2026 Jamal, A., Lorenzetti, L., Baldwin, C. Transforming Masculinities: A global study on
Muslim Men participating in gender justice and Violence Against Women (VAW) prevention Social
Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Funding 2022 Insight Grants - $99,993
2024-2025 Jamal, A., Baldwin, C. Canadian Muslim Youth Identity Challenges, Mental Health and
Well-being: Sharing Knowledge and Building Capacities Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council of Canada (SSHRC) Funding 2022 Connection Grants - $54531
2022-2024 Tsang, K, Azmi, H., Shier, M., George, P., Asadullah, M., Hussain, A., Jamal, A. Exploring
the Social Service Needs of Muslims in Ontario: A Community-Based Partnership Approach Social
Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Funding 2022 PDG Grants – $188,802
2021-2022 Jamal, A., Lorenzetti, L., Van den Hoonard, D., Van den Hoonard, W., Khan, A. Evaluating
the effectiveness of a community-oriented girls’ education program in Pakistan: Community-based
participatory research SSHRC Partnership Engage Grants - $24,980
2021-2022 Lorenzetti, L. Jamal, A. Walsh, C., Ibrar, M., Hossein, G., Mancey Sehgal, K. Stories of
Personal Transformation: Men Working for Violence Prevention and Gender Equity, SSHRC Insight
Development Grant - $69,930
2019-2021 Jamal, A. & Baldwin, C. Canadian Muslim Youth: Identity Construction in Context of
Global Conflicts, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Canada - Insight
Development Grant - $65,595
2021-2023 Munir, A., Ibrar, M., Jamal, A. (Collaborator), Drug Abuse among Youth in Northwest
Pakistan: Issues, Challenges and Future Agenda, World Bank Group – Higher Education Commission,
Pakistan - $330,124
2019-2024 Drolet, J. et al. (multiple co-applicants) Jamal, A. (Collaborator), Transforming the Field
Education Landscape: Intersections of Research and Practice in Canadian Social Work Field Education
Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Grant - $1980,640

Participation in university strategic initiatives


Course number Course title Semester
SOWK 62001 SEC 02 S02 Adv Top Int'l & Cmt'y Dev I 2020
SOWK 627 SEC 01 S01 PractWithOrganizations&Comm 2021


Transforming Masculinities: A Global Study on Muslim Men participating in Gender Justice and Violence Against Women (VAW) Prevention

2023-2026  Jamal, A., Lorenzetti, L., Baldwin, C. Transforming Masculinities: A global study on Muslim Men participating in gender justice and Violence Against Women (VAW) prevention Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Funding 2022 Insight Grants - $99,993

Through this study, Stories of Personal Transformation, we seek to understand the factors that influence men’s decisions to become involved in Violence Against Women (VAW) prevention and gender equity initiatives, and the transformative impacts of this involvement. Specifically, we seek to gather narratives of men from diverse regional contexts, within Muslim-majority nations ( Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar) about what encourage/d them to become involved in VAW prevention and gender equity work/movements. We are interested in understanding what actions, impacts, challenges, and personal and social transformation they experience/d.

Critical and transformative learning theories will be used by our research team in Canada with the help of an advisory committee comprised of international academic and community stakeholders, with strong records of research and ongoing interests in VAW work and social movements both locally and globally. A two- step critical narrative inquiry process will include audio-taped interviews with 15 men in each country (N=75) and follow-up interviews with 5 men in each region using digital storytelling (DST) to create brief video clips or digital stories (DSs) (N=25), focusing on the research questions. Data analysis will center on identifying critical connections, meanings and sequential events within personal narratives that are consequential for transformative learning in the context of the social and institutional spaces within which men's gender equity work takes place. Study findings will be shared through one multi-stakeholder event in each region co-led by the study team in Canada, that will feature the DSs (in the form of a film screening). Knowledge mobilization will include community research briefs, DSTs and infographics shared through social media, and peer-reviewed articles and local, national and international conference presentations.
Anticipated Benefits and Social Impact: This study aims to contribute to the development and mobilization of country-specific, regional and cross-regional knowledge to influence dialogue and social change with community leaders, policy-makers, academics and the public, including recommendations, and best practices for men's participation in VAW prevention.


  • Recognition of Excellence – Social Action Award, The University of Calgary. 2011
  • Sustainability Award (Faculty Research Award), University of Calgary. 2022
  • City of Calgary International Achievements Award, City of Calgary. 2020
  • Captain Nichola K.S. Goddard Graduate Research Award, The University of Calgary. 2007
  • Arch Award (International Career Acheivement), University of Calgary. 2021
  • Teaching Excellence Award, University of Management & Technology. 1999


  • Pashtun men, masculinities and women rights ( Urdu). Aamir Jamal. Iqbal International Institute for Research and Dialogue (IRD), International Islamic University, Islamabad. 272. (2019)
  • The gate keepers: Engaging Pashtun men for gender justice and girl’s education.. Aamir Jamal. Iqbal International Institute for Research and Dialogue (IRD), International Islamic University . (2018)
  • Gender, education and development: Community perspective on challenges ofeducating girls’ in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA). S. Soherwordi. University of Peshawar Press. 23-44. (2016)
  • Transforming masculinities through cross-cultural collaboration: reflections on building a community of practice framework. . Lorenzetti, L., Jamal, A., Dhungel, R., Hosein, G., Thomas, S., & Halovorsen, J.. Journal of Participatory Research Methods,. (2023)

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